HS Settings Tab
- HS Settings: Manage Store Hours
- HS: Personal Settings
- HS Store Settings: Overview
- HS Store Settings: Jobs (Add and Edit and Inactivate)
- HS: Personal Settings: Overview
- HS Store Settings: Essentials Plus Work Week Change
- HS: The Settings Tab (Video)
- HS Store Settings: Schedules (Add and Edit and Inactivate)
- HS Store Settings: Locations (Add and Edit and Inactive)
- HS Settings: Adding Certifications
- HS: How to Submit Availability Changes
- HS Settings: Adding and Editing Skill Levels
- HS Store Settings: Labor Categories (Add and Edit and Inactivate)
- HS Settings: Business Hours
- HS: Resubscribe Your Email Address
- HS Company Settings: Adding and Editing Locations
- HS: Adjusting Your Contact and Login Info
- HS: How to Edit a Job's default Schedule
- HS Settings: Google Calendar and Mobile Calendar Sync
- HS: Awaiting Opt In for Text Notifications
- HS: Change Home Page
- HS Settings: How to Change Your Username and Password
- HS: Adding Email Addresses to Accounts
- HS: Cambiar Idioma de la Cuenta
- HS: Users Receive Email Notifications from a Previous Location
- HS: Update account language
- HS: How to Setup Text Messaging
- HS: Unsubscribe from HS emails
- HS: How to Upload a Profile Picture
- HS: How to Stop Text Message Alerts