This article contains a list and summary of every UK release note published by Fourth during Q1 of 2021 (31st December 2020 to 7th April 2021).
Release notes are listed under the following headers:
Select the name of the release note to view it in full. They will open in a new browser tab.
Workforce Management
WFM UK Release Note - Linked Pay Rates at Job Title
What’s Changing?
The age range within the ‘Job Title Linked Ray Rate’ page has been updated to be in line with the changes to National Living Wage from 1st April 2021.
Release date: 31st March 2021.
Reason for the Change
From 1st April 2021, the age by which employees are entitled to receive the National Living Wage will change from age 25 to age 23.
WFM UK Release Note - Previous Year FPS Amendment
What’s Changing?
The ability to amend a Full Payment Submission (FPS) file for a previous tax year (2020/2021 onwards), allowing the adjustment of employees’ year to date figures without the use of an Earlier Year Update (EYU).
Release date: 31st March 2021.
Reason for the Change
Employers will be unable to submit an Earlier Year Update (EYU) to make amendments to the 2020/2021 tax year onwards. Instead, amendments to Full Payment Submission (FPS) files can be submitted to amend year to date figures for a previous year.
WFM UK Release Note: Labour Productivity - Generating a Forecast Using a Previous Week's Sales
What’s Changing?
The ability to generate a forecast using a previous week’s actual sales values and items.
Release date: Wednesday 31st March 2021
Reason for the Change
During the pandemic, sales have been far from normal. When COVID-19 lockdown restrictions begin to lift and businesses reopen, the pattern of sales will differ. To assist with generating a more realistic labour demand, users can select a previous trading week and use the sales values as a base for forecasting.
WFM UK Release Note: HR Module - New User Interface
What’s Changing?
Redesign of the HR Module’s user interface.
Release date: 31st March 2021.
Reason for the Change
To give the product a more modern look and feel, and to improve the overall user experience.
WFM UK Release Note: Tronc Module - New User Interface
What’s Changing?
Redesign of the Tronc Module’s user interface.
Release date: 31st March 2021.
Reason for the Change
To give the product a more modern look and feel, and to improve the overall user experience.
WFM UK Release Note: Labour Productivity - New User Interface
What’s Changing?
Redesign of the Labour Productivity user interface.
Release date: Wednesday 31st March 2021
Reason for the Change
To give the product a more modern look and feel, and to improve the overall user experience.
WFM UK Release Note - New Tax Year 2021/2022
What’s Changing?
This release note contains all changes made in the system required to allow legislative compliance from April 2021.
Release date: 11th March 2021.
Reason for the Change
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are implementing changes to legislation agreed by the UK government, for the tax year beginning 6th April 2021.
WFM UK Release Note - Labour Productivity: Open and Closing Times Upload
What’s Changing?
The ability to upload Open & Closing times in labour productivity.
Release date: Wednesday 10th March.
Reason for the Change
To save time – loading opening and closing times for all Departments rather than configuring manually for each one. To be used in conjunction with the Opening and Closing Time functionality. See here for more details: WFM Release Note - Labour Productivity: Opening and Closing Times.
WFM UK Release Note - Tronc Module Enhancements
What’s Changing?
Enhancements are being made to the following pages within the Tronc module:
- Tronc Global Settings
- Tronc Location Setup
- Tronc Fund Setup
- Employee Tronc Rate
- Fund Allocation
- Tronc Allocation
- Tronc Period History
- Tronc Past Week List
Release date: 25th February 2021.
Reason for the Change
To align the look and functionality of these pages with the rest of the Workforce Management solution, improving the overall user experience.
What’s Changing?
- Modification to the document preview functionality in the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to allow default device browsers to handle the viewing or downloading of documents
- Online Share Code RTW (Right to Work) checks now available for customers to allow hiring managers to be able to use online share codes provided by candidates to conduct eligibility to work in the UK
- Support for Scottish Student Loans and Post Graduate Loans within ATS Contracts
Release date: 24th February 2021.
Reason for the Change
- New functionality
- Delivering root cause fixes for document preview slowness and incompatibility issues
- Bug fixes
WFM UK Release Note: ATS January 2021
What's Changing?
- Introducing the ability for a candidate to decline event(s) they cannot attend via the Candidate Portal
- Introducing the ability for hiring managers to reopen closed vacancies and publish new adverts to job boards
- Performance improvements within the Events area
- Delivering integration between Fourth ATS and Fourth Analytics backend to enable automatic data extraction to feed Fourth Analytics dashboards
Release date: 19th January 2021
Reason for the Change
Delivering several new features and functionalities to Candidates and Hiring Managers alike
Improvements to performance within the ATS
Delivering integration between Fourth Analytics & GoodData Gateway
WFM UK Release Note - FPS Submission Following Rollback Changes
What’s Changing?
The way in which the Full Payment Submission (FPS) submits data to HMRC following a rollback. Only the information for employees whose pay has been amended will be resubmitted.
Release date: 14th January 2021
Reason for the Change
In April 2021, the way in which Earlier Year Updates are submitted to HMRC will change. In preparation for this, Fourth has made enhancements to the way that in-year-amended FPS reports are sent following a rollback and/or amendment of an employee’s payslip.
WFM UK Release Note - Payroll Preview & Close Enhancements
What’s Changing?
A new process that allows the running of a payroll preview and closure of pay runs in the background, meaning that users can close down their portal, or move screens without affecting the preview or payroll.
Release date: 14th January 2020
Reason for the Change
The current process requires users to stay on the specific preview or payroll close screen whilst the process is completing. For larger payrolls, this can mean that users are unable to proceed with other aspects of their day until the process has finished.
WFM UK Release Note - HR & Payroll Page Improvements
What’s Changing?
Enhancements are being made to the following pages within HR & Payroll to align how they appear and function with the rest of the Workforce Management solution.
- My Expenses
- Multiple Employments
- Holiday Calculation Global Settings
Release date: 14th January 2021
Reason for the Change
To improve the overall user experience of Workforce Management.
Purchase-to-Pay & Inventory
RME Release Note - April 2021: Natasha's Law
What’s Changing?
Functionality to support compliance with Food Information (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2019 (aka, Natasha’s Law)
Release date: 6th and 7th April 2021
Reason for the Change
To support compliance with Natasha’s Law.
RME Release Note - April 2021: Alternate Ingredient Pack Size, Updated Import API
What’s Changing?
Alternate Ingredient Pack Size – More units of measure available to define ‘Pack Size’ (supply quantity).
Import API – Ingredient Validation updated to accommodate this change to alternate ingredient unit of measure.
Release date: 6th and 7th April 2021.
Reason for the Change
To increase usability by extending the units of measure available for alternate ingredient ‘pack size’.
What’s Changing?
Recipe Nutrition: Calorie Breakdown Calculation for Nutrients with ‘0’ Value
Recipe Intolerance Values: Simpler Aggregation for ‘Suitable For’ Values
Release date: 6th and 7th April 2021.
Reason for the Change
Recipe Nutrition: Calorie Breakdown Calculation for Nutrients with ‘0’ Value
To improve the readability and display of '% of Calories from [nutrient name]' in the Extended Nutrition View, and to simplify management of the values.
Recipe Intolerance Values: Simpler Aggregation for ‘Suitable For’ Values
To reduce administrative and data-management requirements, while maintaining the integrity of the auto-calculation. This also brings the logic behind these statements in line with the way controlled intolerances are already calculated, where any single “Yes” or “May” intolerance value makes the whole recipe “Yes” or “May” for that value, regardless of the other recipe ingredients.
Inventory | Restaurants Release Note - Auto-Creation of Wastage Transactions from Menu Cycles
What’s Changing?
New functionality to allow automatic creation of wastage transactions in Inventory when post-production data is recorded in Menu Cycles and wastage calculated is sent to Inventory.
Release date: already released.
Reason for the Change
The automated creation of wastage in Inventory from Menu Cycles removes the need for users to manually raise wastage transactions in Inventory, based on the wastage calculated and reported in Menu Cycles.
Inventory | Restaurants Release Note - Full Access to Vendor Catalogue in Ordering app
What's Changing?
Configuration has been introduced, on a site and supplier basis, to allow full access to a vendor catalogue within the Ordering app.
Release date: 9th February 2021.
Reason for the Change
To minimise overheads in product association at sites where there are no product restrictions.
Inventory | Restaurants Release Note - Excluded COS Items Included in Closing Stock Export
What’s Changing?
Functionality at Organisation level to include items in the Closing Stock export which have been excluded from cost of sales.
Release date: 9th February 2021.
Reason for the Change
To allow a summary of items excluded from cost of sales to be imported and reported on in other systems.
RME Release Note - January 2021
What’s Changing?
- Prevent Duplicate PLUs - New Global Setting
- User Profile Details - Anonymised when user is deleted
- FIR Ingredient Intolerance Update Template - Spelt and Kamut added
- Full Ingredient List, auto-compiled Recipe information - Audit history; non-food ingredients excluded from list
- Full Ingredient List, Ingredient field: Audit history
Release date: 19th and 20th January 2021.
Reason for the Change
General system enhancements.
Adaco - General Release Notes: 4_6_112
What’s Changing?
Fourth’s Purchasing & Inventory (Adaco) release 4.6.112 includes new functionality. Specifically:
- Ability to copy a product
Release date: 9th (EMEA) / 11th March (USA) 2021
Reason for the Change
Creating a product in Adaco can be time-consuming as there are several fields that need completing. Instead of providing default values that would need to be pre-defined and set up, the ability to copy from existing products has been implemented.
This will require no extra setup and will reduce the time it takes to create a new product. It will also reduce errors and data inconsistency - if one bottle of wine is copied every time a new one is created, all bottles of wine will have consistent attribute values.
Adaco - General Release Notes: 4_6_110
What’s Changing?
Fourth’s Purchasing & Inventory (otherwise known as ‘Adaco’) release 4.6.110 includes new functionality. Specifically:
- Invoice Approvals in the Fourth app
- Recipe Ingredient Label Report
- Splitting Mobile Orders into Approved and non-Approved Purchase Requisition
Release date: 19th (EMEA) / 21st January (USA) 2021
Reason for the Change
Invoice Approvals in the Fourth App
Continuing the mobile journey for Purchasing & Inventory, the Approval functionality in the Fourth app has been extended to also include Invoices. Users can view invoice approvals as pending tasks, receive mobile notification for pending tasks, and open the Adaco Web approval page without having to log in additionally.
Recipe Ingredient Label Report
In response to the Food Information (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2019 (aka "Natasha's Law"), an enhancement to the Recipe modules has been developed, to help customers be compliant with the new requirements. Users will be able to edit, format and style an ingredient list per recipe.
Splitting Mobile Orders into Approved and non-Approved Purchase Requisition
The option to order items that do not require approval and the auto-processing and transmitting functionalities When a mobile basket is processed in Adaco, any item that does not require approval will be processed and a Purchase Requisition will be released to the supplier.
Fourth Engage/Mobile apps
Mobile Release Note - Engage: External Identity Login
What’s Changing?
Introduction of the ability to log in using an external identity management service on the Engage login page.
Release date: 23rd Feb 2021.
Reason for the Change
To provide customers who do not use a branded version of Fourth Engage app the ability to log in using an external identity provider from the Engage login page.
Menu Cycles Release Note - January 2021
What’s Changing?
Already ‘Published To’ destinations will be hidden by default in the 'Select Destinations' view.
Release date: 20th January 2021
Reason for the Change
Increased ease of use for Central users using the 'Publish’ workflow.
Mobile Release Note - Engage: 2.60
What’s Changing?
Improvements to the Dashboard Landing Page and Task Management
Support for additional task types
General bug fixes
Release date: 19th January 2021
Reason for the Change
To help users access and manage their work tasks more efficiently.
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