This article contains a list and summary of every release note published by Fourth during Q2 of 2020 (9th April to 1st July 2020).
Release notes are listed under the following headers:
WFM Release Note - Furloughed Status Export
What’s Changing?
A new Export has been added for reporting on details of furloughed and non-furloughed employees.
Proposed release date: 17th April 2020
Reason for Change
To enable customers to report on data relating to their furloughed employees and to help them to calculate the furlough payments due.
WFM Release Note - Batch Furlough Status Upload
What’s Changing?
To enhance the Batch furlough status functionality, the ability to use an Excel template (CSV file) has been added to batch-update furlough status start and end dates.
Proposed Release Date: 30th April 2020
Reason for the Change
Following the recent announcements relating to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, it has been necessary to add additional functionality for customers to update multiple employees' furloughed statuses.
WFM Release Note - Furlough Employer Costs Export
What’s Changing?
A new export is being added to the Payroll module which will calculate employer National Insurance and minimum pension contributions in relation to payments made to furloughed employees.
Proposed Release Date: 30th April 2020
Reason for the Change
Following the recent announcements relating to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), it has been necessary to add additional functionality for customers to apply for the CJRS grant.
WFM Release Note - Batch Furlough Status Upload
What’s Changing?
To enhance the Batch furlough status functionality, the ability to use an Excel template (CSV file) has been added to batch-update furlough status start and end dates.
Proposed Release Date: 30th April 2020
Reason for the Change
Following the recent announcements relating to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, it has been necessary to add additional functionality for customers to update multiple employees' furloughed statuses.
WFM Release Note - Furlough Average Daily Rate
What’s Changing?
An additional value for a ‘Furlough Average Daily Rate’ is being added to the Furlough Batch Update screen and the Furlough Status Export, to be used as an alternative to the current Average Pay Calculation.
Proposed Release Date: 30th April 2020
Reason for the Change
Following changes to the average pay calculation announced by HMRC on Friday 17th April, the additional field and calculation have been created to provide customers with the amounts required to calculate employees’ furlough payments.
WFM Release Note - Tronc2: Permission Restriction Enhancements
What’s Changing?
Introduction of a new permission that restricts users from being able to amend the calculations of tronc payments allocated to employees.
Release date: 14th May 2020
Reason for Change
If troncmasters are responsible for deciding how money is distributed, it may not be appropriate for Managers or Assistant Managers to have the access to make changes to the amounts allocated. This will also help customers to manage their tronc payments within HMRC guidelines.
WFM Release Note - Employee Health Status
What's Changing?
A new page is being added to the Rota Module which will display Employees' Health Statuses, taken from the Employee Health Survey app.
Release date: 3rd June 2020
Reason for Change
To help customers to track the health of employees who are scheduled to work
WFM Release Note - Automatic Closure of Rotas and Tronc Funds
What’s Changing?
Open rotas and tronc funds for the period of closure during the Covid-19 pandemic will be automatically completed.
Reason for the Change
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, most hospitality companies have been closed, meaning that there are thousands of open rotas and tronc periods dating back to March 2020. To move these rotas and tronc periods to the current date, without payments feeding through to payroll, or the need to manually complete each day, they will be automatically set to a ‘submitted’ status. This will help customers prepare for reopening.
WFM Release Note - Amendment to Furlough Employer Cost Export
What’s Changing?
The ‘Furlough Payments and Associated Costs by Date Range’ export will only calculate furlough claim amounts for furlough periods that run up to and including 30th June 2020.
Release date: 25th June 2020
Reason for Change
HMRC published guidance relating to the new flexible furlough scheme which begins on 1st July 2020. The new guidance changes the way that Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) claims are calculated.
P2P&I Release Note: Goods Receiving - Negative Quantity Input
What’s Changing?
Configuration has been introduced to allow negative quantities to be captured when completing Goods Received Notes and Invoices in the core Inventory application.
Release date: 15th April 2020
Reason for the Change
Some suppliers will collect deposit/return items at the point of delivery. These are reflected in the Invoice generated as opposed to a separate supplier Return/Credit Note, and therefore need to be captured as returned lines on the Goods Received Note/Invoice.
Release Note - Recipe & Menu Engineering: Catch Weight (Variable Weighted) Ingredient Validation, Import API ‘Ingredient Identifier’ Logic
What’s Changing?
- Catch Weight Ingredients – new validation has been added
- Import API Ingredient Identifier Logic – the logic to identify an existing ingredient (for update) has been aligned across several endpoints
Release date: 4th June 2020
Reason for the Change
General system enhancements.
General Release Notes - Purchasing & Inventory 4_6_103
What’s Changing?
Fourth’s Purchasing & Inventory release 4.6.103 includes new functionality. Specifically:
- Custom Sensitivities, and enhancements to Sensitivities and reporting.
Release date: 13th (EMEA) / 16nd April (USA) 2020
Reason for the Change
With new Allergens and Intolerances being identified there is a raising need to be able to add more to the existing list of Sensitivities and report on them.
Release Note - Counting app 2.9.0
What’s Changing?
Fourth’s Counting app 2.9.0 includes new functionality. Specifically:
- Ability to remove single Products from an Area
Release date: 30th June 2020.
Reason for the Change
To make the application more functional, giving the ability for the user to not only add, but remove products from an Area.
Release Note: Health Survey 1.1
What’s Changing?
- Introducing push notifications to remind shifted employees to complete the Health Survey
- Minor cosmetic changes to the Health Survey app page header
Release date: 25th June 2020 - for Labour Productivity users
30th June 2020 - for HR & Payroll users
Reason for the Change
To help ensure that employees are completing the Health Survey each day as required.
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