This article contains 'homework' tasks intended to support users who have recently completed Admin training for the Adaco product. Each task is summarised and there is also a collection of helpful knowledge articles listed at the end.
For users who have recently completed 'Super User' training, please see Adaco: Super User Training Follow-up 'Homework'
Review Product Data
- Go to Property > Products > Search for and open a Product
- Review the data in the Product, specifically the detail in the lower part of the screen
- The Purchase Unit should match the unit that the Product is ordered from the Vendor
- The Pack Unit, Subpack Unit and Micro Pack Unit should break the Product down to the smallest useable unit (food and beverage should have a weight or liquid conversion)
- Inventory Unit can be chosen to give an alternative to the Purchase Unit for inventory, according to the Pack Unit specified
- Purchase Cost should also be reviewed
Review Vendor Information and Associate Products
- Go to Property > Vendors > Search for and open a Vendor
- Check over the Vendor Details page to make sure it is all correct
- To associate Products to the Vendor, select the Products side tab and select Add Products
- In the Vendor Product # column, assign a Vendor Product Number (VPN) according to the Vendor if needed. If no VPN is entered the system will auto-generate one
- Update all Vendor configuration for integrations:
- Vendor Units (where Use Purchase Unit is enabled)
- Auto-Create & Transmit, where desired
- Delivery Days/Cutoff times/Lead times, where relevant
Add a Delivery or Invoice Address
- Go to Property > Setup > Location > Address Book
- Select New and enter the required address details
- The Address Number has no significance and should be sequential – it is recommended that the most commonly used (loading bay) is number 1
Review/Create New Outlets
- Go to Property > Setup > Location > Outlet
- To amend an existing one, highlight an Outlet from the list and select Details
- To create a new Outlet select New and enter details as required in the pop-up window. FnB Outlets can be broken down with an existing Outlet being amended to show 'Food’ and then ‘Beverage’ and ‘Operational’ Outlets can be created. For example, 'Restaurant –Food | Restaurant – Beverage | Restaurant – Operational'. The same General Ledger Account can be inputted for each, allowing only one Outlet in the financial system.
Update all Outlet configuration:
POS Revenue Centers
Ordering app flags
Adaco: Configuring the Ordering app
Replenish From: for all Outlets who get any products from the Storeroom as “Storeroom [TBC]”
- Default Ship To: for all Outlets who have Ship To Address Book entries that differ from the Property Default
Enable Mobile Ordering: for all Outlets (there’s no harm as some users may prefer the mobile/web experience vs. core-Adaco)
Default Route: for all Outlets with any items requiring approval (so Purchase Requisitions that require approval are not created from Mobile Ordering without automatically routing for approval, where needed)
Add Locations to Outlets
For any Outlets set as Location-based (as opposed to Category), Locations need to be created.
- Go to Property > Setup > Location > Location
In the Location screen, an ‘Unassigned’ location will show for any Location-based outlets.
- To create more Locations for Outlets, use the New button
- Location Numbers can be sequential and have no effect in the system. Some customers choose to set aside a range for each Outlet. For example, 1-19 for beverage store and 20-39 for general store)
Please note: Once created, the number of the Location cannot be amended
Group Outlets into Divisions:
- Go to Property > Setup > Location > Division
- Select New and choose the Division Number and Name
- Then select the Outlets to be included in the Division
Please note: Once an Outlet is assigned to a Division it will be tied to that Division for all budget codes
Create Accounts
- Go to Property > Setup > Accounting > Accounts
- Select New and enter an Account Number in the pop-up window
Best practice is to match this to the Accounts Payable (A/P) account number. The system will default to the next available number if left blank.
- Name the account and then provide the Account Cross-Reference - following best practice this will be the same as the account number in the top field
- Assign a Budget Code if created – see next point
Update all Account configuration:
GL Groups (Offset Accounts) for G/L Export
Create Budget Codes to Group Accounts
- Go to Property > Setup > Accounting > Budget Codes
- Select New and assign a Number and Name for the budget code
- Once saved, navigate back to the Accounts screen (Property > Setup > Accounting > Accounts)
- Highlight an Account and then select Details
The created budget codes will be in the Budget Code drop-down
Review, Manage and Create Inventory Cycles
- Go to Property > Setup > Accounting > Inventory Cycle Setup
- Highlight an existing Cycle and select Details - make any changes if required
- To create a Cycle, select New
- Enter a Cycle Name and then choose the Outlets and Locations to be included in the Cycle
- If a required Outlet is not displayed, return to the Outlets screen and ensure it is selected for 'Inventory'
Review / Creating Fiscal Calendar
- Go to Property > Setup > Accounting > Fiscal Calendar
- Highlight an existing Fiscal Year and select Details - make any changes if required
- To create a new Fiscal Calendar, select New
- In the pop-up window, assign the Fiscal Year and then input the Starting Date and Ending Date for each fiscal period
- In any of the Inventory Cycle drop-downs, the Inventory Cycle created in the previous step can be selected and assigned to the corresponding period
Assign Outlet Accounts
- Go to Property > Setup > Accounting > Outlet Account
- Select an Outlet from the drop-down at the top of the screen
- Use the Is Associated tick boxes to associate Accounts to that Outlet
- The blank boxes at the top of the page can be used to search for specific Accounts
Create Rates
- Go to Property > Setup > Rates > Rates
- Highlight an existing Rate and select Details - make any changes if required
- To create a new Rate, select New
- Enter the Rate Code and a Rate Description
- Select if the Rate is a Flat Rate or a Percentage and assign the numeric value in the Rate field
- Choose whether to Include On Vendor PO and/or Include Inventory (the Inventory valuation)
If not included on Inventory the Rate must be assigned to an Account.
Assign Rates to Rate Schedules
- Go to Property > Setup > Rates > Rate Schedule
- Use the Rate Schedule drop-down to view an existing one - make any changes if required
- To create a new Rate Schedule, select New
- Assign a Rate Schedule (numeric) and a Rate Schedule Description and select Save
- Then use the Add button to add Rates (created in the previous step) to the Schedule
Only Rate Schedules can be assigned to a Product so even if only 1 Rate needs to be assigned to a Product, a Rate Schedule with the single Rate must be created.
Manage Exchange Rates
- Go to Property > Setup > Rates > Exchange Rate
- Select New and choose the From Currency and To Currency
- Then enter a name for the Exchange Rate
Create Approval (Requisition/Invoice/Recipe/Product/Vendor) Routes
- Go to Property > Setup > Routing > Route Builder
- Select New and then the type of approval route to be created from the drop-down
A 'Route Builder' pop-up window will open. Users who have been assigned as either a Reviewer, Approver or a Final Approver will display at the top.
- Enter a Route Name – it is important that the name makes it clear to users what the Route should be used for. For example, 'Beverage Approval Route'
- Select a User and then Add to bring them into the Route - they will appear in the bottom list
- Then use the drop-down under Role to assign their role (if their profile has multiple roles)
- If the user is a Final Approver, assign their Approval Limit for this Route
- To check/amend what role a user has, go to Property > User Center
- Highlight the required user and select Details
- Select the user's approval role(s) using the tick boxes - Reviewer, Approver, Final Approver
- If the user is a 'Final Approver' enter an Approval Limit
- Save any changes made
Include Approval Groups vs. all individual approvers, where beneficial:
Create Vendor Performance Criteria
- Go to Property > Setup > Vendor Performance > Rating
- Select New and enter a Rating Number and Rating Name, e.g. 'Late', 'Wrong Items', 'Over Delivery' etc
Set up Return Material Authorization (RMA)
- Go to Property > Setup > Return Material Authorization > Return Reason
- Select New and enter a Return Reason Number
- Enter a Return Reason Description, e.g. 'Broken Stock', 'Wrong Item', 'Over Order' etc
Review User Groups
- Go to Property > Setup > User Groups
- Highlight an existing User Group and select Details - make any changes if required
- To create a User Group, select New
- Enter a Group Name and Group Description
- Segments can be selected for User Group by using the Allowed segments for group drop-down
- In the Main Menu drop-down, select the area of the system to allow access to and then Enable each section using the tick box(es) on the left
- Access rights can be configured in each submenu by activating pop-up menus from the Access Rights column
Assign User Groups to Users
- Go to Property > User Center
- Highlight a user and then select Details
A pop-up window will open.
- In the lower section, use the Select tick box(es) to assign users to a User Group
Each user can have multiple user groups so that the levels of access can be increased according to needs.
User Preferences
- Apply settings as per the 'Mobile Tasks and Notifications' guidance in the article Adaco: User Preferences to control whether users see 'To-Do' tasks in the Fourth app Dashboard and receive emails, or just receive push notifications instead of emails.
Maintain Guides
- Go to Inventory > Maintain Guides
- Highlight the required Outlet and then select Details
- Select Add Product and Search for Products in the pop-up window (searching can be done by segment and category as well as searching for single Products)
- Use Ctrl+A, Shift or Ctrl to multiple select Products
- Select OK to add the Product(s)
- Finally, Save, and repeat for all required Outlets
- If counted, Recipes should be in their own Location (for Location-based Outlets) or can be added to Areas or ignored (for Category-based Outlets) in Mobile Counting
Create Templates
- As per the below Ordering app section, it is recommended that Market Lists be created in the Ordering app rather than Templates in Adaco. Template guidance is listed below in case the Ordering app is not available/in use.
- Go to Requisition > Template Center
- Select Create Purchase Template or Create Outlet Template as required
- Complete all mandatory fields (marked with an *) and then Save
- Add Products as required and then select Template Security to manage who can access the template to edit or use to create a requisition
Load a Budget, Forecast or Plan
- Go to Accounting > Budgets > Import Budgets
- Select the file to be loaded
The file must be a CSV file with the Outlet Number in Column A and the Account in Column B.
Columns C-N act as the periods (1-12). All budgets can be loaded in 1 file.
- Choose if the file to be loaded is the Budget, Forecast, or Plan
- Select Import
- Select the Year that the file takes effect within, and then Load
Create Recipes
Follow guidance as shown in the article - Adaco: Creating a Recipe
- Be sure to use Primary Recipe categories
Import Quotations
- When possible please load initial product quotations into the system
- See guidance in Adaco: Importing Quotations
Fourth app/P2P Mobile apps
Counting app
- Create Area(s) for Category-based Outlets - Adaco Mobile: Counting app
Ordering app
- Build Market Lists in the Ordering app - Adaco Mobile: Managing Market Lists in the Ordering app
- End Users can create their own post their LMS Q&A session
Knowledge Articles
Vendors |
Maintain Guides |
Outlets |
Users |
Locations & Address Book |
Rates |
Accounts + Outlet Accounts |
Approval Routing |
Products |
Import Quotations: |
Accounting |
Templates |
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