This article shows the Administration settings for Property Preferences in Purchase to Pay & Inventory (Hotels) for the Purchasing tab. The table below lists all options seen in Fig.1.
- Go to Property > Administration > Property Preferences > Purchasing
Fig.1 - Purchasing Settings
CP purchasing | Ability for property to release a requisition to CP. CP will create the purchase order and the property will receive Note: Not valid for standalone properties |
Retain Purchase requisition | Allows the purchase requisitions to appear on the Requisition Audit report and Requisition Audit screen after the purchase order has been created. If not enabled the PR is deleted once turned into a PO |
Retain requisition vendor selection | Makes “Keep Selected Vendor” default when selecting Create PO on a Purchase Requisition. Can still be de-selected and overridden if necessary |
Allow account modification | Allows changing of the product account on the purchase requisition or purchase order Note: If Enable Outlet Accounts is enabled, User can only choose between accounts that are assigned to the outlet |
Enforce direct charge | If this is selected, the behaviour is to ignore the Direct Charge flag in the outlets and make all purchase requisitions and purchase orders Direct Charge so everything will be received directly to the outlets. |
Approval required for adhoc products | Enforces approval flag to be on for all adhoc items |
Allow deletion of purchase orders | Ability for Users to delete Purchase Orders, if the user group contains the corresponding access right |
Modify delivery date under lock requisition mode without price change | Overrides Requisition setting to allow changing delivery date |
Create adhoc product for substitute | When vendor sends a different product to that ordered, the system creates an adhoc product for it |
Approval required for project status | Will require approval for projects before an order can be assigned to that project |
Enable cached order guides | Order guides will cache on local pc - won't pick up products added/removed. If enabled, opening a PR screen will take time as it will capture all the order guide items of all outlets to cache. Adding items to PR screen will take less time during inline additions, but if you have large item count in the order guide, it will adversely affect performance. Do not turn on unless instructed to do so by an Adaco Representative |
Show report on order creation | When purchase order is created from purchase requisition, a PO listing report will be generated automatically |
Save quotation errors | Saves quote errors so users can print a report seeing the errors |
Allow override CP price | Allows User to modify price sent down from CP Note: Not applicable to standalone properties |
Force valid CP quotes in product pull | Will only allow User to pull a product from CP if there is a valid quote at CP. This flag is only applicable for the products where CP control is Partial/Full. From CP they can still be pushed to the property regardless of Property setting. |
Days to purge PO | Will set the default date to purge orders older than when purging orders |
Update cost from quotation | Changes purchase cost in product record when quotation is updated. Will update even if quote is loaded at CP Note: If a CP vendor has 'market segments' enabled and 'use separate quote' enabled at vendor master, it will update only that market segment property's product purchase cost |
DEFAULT PO layout | Configuration of purchase order default layout or Custom PO |
Display name | Which users to show in the purchase order report |
DEFAULT ship to | Choose from address book entry for Ship To address displayed on purchase order |
DEFAULT bill to | Choose from address book entry for Bill To address displayed on purchase order |
Statement | Information that will appear on all purchase orders |
When order does not meet vendor minimum | System action when minimum (quantity or monetary value) set against vendor is not met |
When Order is sent after cut off time | System action when purchase order is submitted after cut off time set against vendor |
When order is scheduled for a non delivery day | System action when purchase order is submitted for a day that is not a delivery day set against vendor |
Check approval limit for approvers | Checks the approval limit monetary value for approvers instead of just final approvers |
Approval required for vendor portal quotes | Sets approval for quotes from vendor APIs |
Default Quotation Route | Approval route for quotations |
Custom Purchase Order Mode – M | Created for single customer – Do not turn on unless you are instructed to do so by an Adaco representative. New fields will appear in PO screen with Quote reference, Contract reference and Inco terms. |
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