The System is designed to help those in the hospitality industry manage their purchasing, stock control and time.
It’s important when stock counting that the process is easy and straight forward for users of the system. Preparation is the key when counting stock; having an organised methodical manner for the process and the available time and resource is imperative. It is also important to allow users to be able to check their stock levels on a regular basis, cyclic stock counting allows users to monitor the stock holding of specific products at any time; thus minimising opportunity for theft or errors when stock counting. The following document will outline the best practise method of choosing products for a cyclic stock count.
Before Choosing Products for a Cyclic Stock Count
It is advisable to conduct a cyclic stock count in the morning to ensure that all data from the previous day has been updated overnight; especially sales information. To ensure the results returned on a cyclic stock count are correct all deliveries, transfers and sales recorded must be up to date before embarking on a cyclic count.
- Ensure that all products from a previous cyclic stock count have been cleared to allow new or different products to be selected.
Fig 1 - Clear all Products from Cyclic Stock Count
- Go to: Site Level > Stock Management > Stock Count > Set up Stock Count.
- Before choosing products to be included in a cyclic stock count it is essential to ensure that any previous information has been cleared from the system; to do this select ‘clear all products from cyclic stock count’ option.
- Once all previous data has been removed proceed with the following steps.
Cyclic Stock Count Procedure
Choosing Products for a Cyclic Stock Count
- Cyclic Stock counts are effectively “line checks” of high volume or high value items; however any GP affecting product can be added to a cyclic stock count.
Fig 2 - Choose Products for Cyclic Stock Count Link
- Go to: Stock Management > Stock Count > Set up Stock Count.
- Select ‘choose products for cyclic stock’ count to identify which products will be included in the count.
Fig 3 - Select a Cost Centre
- The user is required to select a cost centre; then an item type; then category to choose products for a cyclic stock count.
Fig 4 - Products That Are Included in The Cyclic Stock Count
- When the product list is displayed select the products to be included by ticking the relevant box. Ensure when moving between pages that information is saved periodically. When all products required have been selected; ‘save and return’ to be reverted to the stock management page.
Printing a Stock Tally Sheet
- Once products have been selected this information is stored and available, when cyclic stock count links are selected only the selected products are displayed.
Fig 5 - Print a Cyclic Stock Tally Sheet
- To print a stock tally sheet containing only the products selected for the cyclic stock count, select the cyclic stock count link when printing the stock tally sheet.
Fig 6 - Cyclic Stock Tally Sheet
- Once selected only products selected to be included in the count will be displayed on the stock tally sheet, this can then be printed and the products counted.
Entering a Cyclic Stock Count
- Once products have been counted they can be entered into the system, select the link to input stock via a cyclic stock count.
Fig 7 - Input Stock Count Options
- Only the products have been selected will be displayed when this link is selected and the relevant count can be entered and saved against each product.
Fig 8 - Input Cyclic Stock Count Page
- Once the count has been entered select ‘save & return’ and the system will return to the stock management page.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and close the stock period.
Fig 10 - Close Stock Period Button
- Warnings will be generated when attempting to close the stock period, all deliveries transfers and sales must be up to date to ensure the correct data is returned on the cyclic count; however users can ignore any warnings for missing lines on the stock count.
Fig 10 - Close Stock Period Warnings
- When ‘close stock period’ is selected the below warning message will be generating indicating that any empty fields will be closed with a ‘perfect’ value so only variances against the lines that have been counted will be displayed.
Fig 11 - Empty Fields Warning Message
- If presented with the message in Fig 11 above, ignore and click the OK button.
Management Figures
Fig 12 - Management Figures Page
- Once the stock period is closed the management figures can be selected, any variance between actual and theoretical GP will be due to the products that have been counted, all other lines were closed at a perfect value.
- To identify any product surplus/deficits the ‘stock reconciliation’ report must be selected.
Stock Reconciliation
![Fig 13 - Export to Excel Link](https://help.hotschedules.com/hc/article_attachments/360055547431/Prod_Description_13.png)
Fig 13 - Export to Excel Link
- Follow the path: Stock Management > Export to Excel Link.
![Fig 14 - Cyclic Stock Reconciliation Link](https://help.hotschedules.com/hc/article_attachments/360055547351/Prod_Description_14.png)
Fig 14 - Cyclic Stock Reconciliation Link
- Click the link Cyclic Stock count reconciliation as in Fig 14 above.
- Once the stock reconciliation is selected the below filters are displayed to ensure that the appropriate information required is displayed on the report.
Fig 15 - Stock Reconciliation Filters
- The option to ‘show only differences’ should be selected to eliminate any lines that were closed with a ‘perfect’ value.
- When the report is generated only lines with any variance, of the lines that were selected for the count, will be displayed.
Fig 16 - Stock Reconciliation Report
- This report can be printed or saved to a PC for reference purposes as this data will not be retained by the system.
- Once all variances have been investigated the stock period can be re-opened by selecting stock management > re-open
Fig 17 - Re-Open Stock Period Button
- Once the stock period has been re-opened ensure that all products from a the cyclic stock count have been cleared to allow new or different products to be selected.
Fig 18 - Clear all Products from Cyclic Stock Count Link
- Go to: Stock Management > Stock Count > Set up Stock Count.
Things to Consider
- All pending deliveries, transfers in and out and sales to date must be accurate when running a cyclic stock take. If this isn’t accurate then variances may appear on the stock reconciliation.
- When running the stock reconciliation for a cyclic stock count, the choice to “show only differences” must be ticked. The reason for this is any products that were not on the count will appear to balance as the system will assume a perfect stock reconciliation for any products not counted.
- Only products on the cyclic count that have a discrepancy will return as having a variance; if 20 products were counted and only 2 show on the stock reconciliation then only these two have a discrepancy between usage and sales and all other cyclic products are okay.
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