Note: This and other features mentioned in this article are for clients that use Logbook. If you do not use Logbook click here to redirect to our help center home page. If you are interested in using Logbook, click here.
Also note that Logbook Task Lists are created in the Above Store Console. If you do not have ASC access, please reach out to your Corporate office.
Below you will find a glossary of the tasks that can be used in task lists.
Header Rows can be used as a title line for your particular task list. You can also use Label controls here to name particular columns in your task list.
The Subheader row can be used to house Label controls for columns as well.
The task row is used to house task controls that must be completed. (Checkbox, Temperature, Time, etc etc).
The instruction row is typically used to provide instructions for a single task or a group of tasks.
These rows can be used to provide a visual break in the task list.
Allows the task list creator to write something in a particular cell. Will not count as a task.
Used to "check off" on a particular task. Can be required or optional.
This control allows you to require a temperature for a task. Negative numbers and decimals can be used along with a minimum and maximum range. Users will get a red notification if the entered number is outside of the parameters specified.
This control is used to input numerical data outside of specific temperatures (see above). A minimum and maximum range can be enabled. Users will get a red notification if the entered number is outside of the parameters specified.
Text entry is a control that allows the employees doing the task to enter text. Not to be confused with Label. Which can be used by the task list creator to enter text.
The Time task is used to designate particular times on a task. Can be required or optional.
Brings up a calendar for the particular task being looked up. Can be required or optional.
Displays a list of responses that the user completing the task can select. Custom responses can be created.
The attachment control allows the creator of the task list to upload an image, PDF, document, or spreadsheet for the employee to view on that particular task.
Using the calculated control allows you to create a formula based off of numbers used on the task list. While creating a formula, the interface of the task list will change and alphabetize columns/give rows a numerical value (example: E6).
Control that allows the user to select a name from a list of employees with the task list permission.
This control is added so that the employee completing the task list can click on it and add either their first and last name or first and last initial.
N/A will void the particular task row it sits on. This means that any task controls (signature, checkbox, etc) will not be accounted for and can not be selected, but the particular task itself will still be marked as complete. It is not a required task.
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