This article will explain the Categories, Routing and Units fields within Property Setup in Adaco (formerly Purchasing & Inventory). To see other articles on Property Setup, please go to Adaco - Property Setup.
- Go to Property > Setup > Categories (see Fig.1)
Fig.1 - Categories in Property Setup menu
Field Name | Description |
Categories |
Create and manage categories and subcategories. A category is a group of similar Outlets, Products, Recipes, or Projects. Categories are used as selection criteria for reports. A Category has one or more Category Segments, one or more Category classifications, and one or more subcategories. (See Fig.2 and Categories Details table for more details) |
Event Control Categories |
Event Controls are used to track sales/consumption of beverages at events, to support events where beverages are served at multiple bars (stations) in an Outlet. Please note: Marking subcategories is necessary as only having the Category marked will not show any Products when searching. |
Segments (Available at CP Only in multi-Property setup) | Create and manage Category Segments. A Category Segment is the part of a property to which a Category is applicable. A Category Segment can have more than one Category. Typically, Category Segments are created for Food & Beverage, Housekeeping, and Engineering. |
Category Details
- Go to Categories > Category Details
Fig.2 - Category Details
Table.2 - Description of Category Details
Field Name | Description |
Category Number | The Category number generated by the system. |
Category Name | Name of Category (can be named in multiple languages) |
Category Segment | Segment that the Category is part of |
Category Classification |
Areas in the solution that Category will be used:
Approval Required | Enforces approval flag upon creation of product within marked Category |
Has Allowable Temperature | When Property > Administration > Property Preferences > Receiving > Authorize Temperature Validation box is ticked, temperatures must be between min and max amount configured in the Min/Max Temperature fields |
Temperature Min/ Temperature Max | Minimum and maximum temperatures for allowable temperature |
Subcategory Number | Number of subcategories assigned by the system |
Subcategory Name | Name of the subcategory can be entered |
Layout | Legacy P&I functionality to be removed in a future release |
Image | Legacy P&I functionality to be removed in a future release |
Allowable Shelf life (Days) | Enables number of days allowable shelf life for a product when Property > Administration > Property Preferences > Receiving > Enable Shelf Life is ticked |
Table.3 - Routing description
Field Name | Description |
Route Builder |
Create and manage authorisation routing lists. For each user, a role must be specified. |
(Only available at CP if one exists)
Table.4 - Units description
Field Name | Description |
Units | Create and manage units of measure for Requisitioning, Ordering, Recipes and Inventory. Bespoke units can be configured by contacting Fourth |
EANUCC Units | Configured by Fourth Technical Consultants for specific Vendor integrations |
Unit Conversion | Create and manage conversion ratios between units |
Unit Hierarchy | Create and manage order in which units are shown when searching unit types |
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