Creating a Purchase Requisition Using a Template
A Purchase Requisition is a request for items that will be purchased from vendors. The Purchase Requisition itself won’t be sent to vendors, but will be used to create one or more Purchase Orders which can then be sent to a vendor.
- From the Requisition Center select the option From Template and then select Purchase Requisition as per Fig.1

Fig.1 - Selecting a Purchase Requisition from Template
- If prompted “Don’t have any templates saved” click OK,then select the All Templates option to show all the templates that have been shared by other users
- Select the template needed and click Select Template
- Enter the Delivery Date,(as per Fig.2) required for the goods and then enter a Quantity against the items to be ordered
Note: Filter by product description at the top of the Product Description column to search for specific products as per Fig.2.
Note: Products in red indicate that there is not a valid quotation for the product and will not be able to be ordered. Contact purchasing team to advise if there is an alternative product or if a quotation will be added.
This feature is seen when the "Do not requisition product without valid quotation" flag is enabled in Property > Administration > Property Preferences > Requisition and may not be applicable to all properties.

Fig.2 - Create Requisition from Template screen
- Once quantities are entered and all needed information is ready, click Create Requisition
Note: If prompted that there are Open Purchase Orders for this template, this is the system warning that another user had already placed an order from the same template.

Fig.3 - Purchase Requisition Screen
- In the Requisition screen add comments, as per Fig.3, if needed, to either the entire order or to any individual product line
As seen in Fig.3, anything entered as a Comment, as per, will be visible to Vendors when the Purchase Order is created. Anything entered in the Description box will only be visible internally.
- Amend any quantities, delete products (right click on a product and click Delete) and add additional products using either the Search or the Add buttons as per Fig.3
- Click Save when the Requisition is completed
- The Issue RFQ button (Request For Quotation) is a function that can be used by a property to request a quote from a vendor. The vendor will need to have a "Request for Quotation" interface enabled in Property > Vendor > Vendor Details > Interface tab
- The Release button will allow the user to release the purchase requisition to the appropriate area (CP or Property), as needed
- The Create PO button will allow the user to create the PO from the requisition directly, if the user has sufficient access rights to do so
Note: The following section only applies if products on the requisition require approval.
When the Requisition is completed, click Approvals, as per Fig.4, so that the Requisition can be routed for approval if needs be
- Select the appropriate approval route from the Route List and then click Select Route as per Fig.4. This will reveal the chain of users that the Requisition will be routed to
- Click Route to send the requisition

Fig.4 - Routing the Requisition screen
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