This article will guide through how to use the Requisition Center within Purchasing & Inventory (P&I) (also known as Adaco).
Requisition Center
Structure Type: Property Only
- Go to Requisition > Requisition Center
Use this screen to work with Purchase and Outlet Requisitions. Outlet Requisitions are used to transfer products between Outlets, and Purchase Requisitions are used to request the Purchase of products. It is possible to create Requisitions either directly or from templates. It's also possible to review the status of Purchase Requisitions and related Purchase Orders with a Requisitions Audit.
Fig.1 - Requisition Center - Purchase Requisition
Table.1 - Toolbar features
Buttons | Description |
New Requisition | Select to create a new Purchase or Outlet Requisition |
From Template | Select to create a Requisition from a previously saved template |
Details |
Select a Requisition in the list and use this button to see detailed information about the Requisition |
Reorder | Use this button to create a Requisition from reorder. Once selected, there will appear a list of reorders, from which a Requisition can be created. This list is populated by running the Reorder report at Reports > Report Center > Purchasing > Reorder Report |
Process | Click to review and process Requisitions |
Existing Requisitions can be found by using the Search tool on the left side of the screen.
- Use any/all of the following fields:
- Requisition Number
- Requisition Type
- Status
- Then select Search
Results will be displayed onscreen - see Table 2 for descriptions of the information displayed.
- To search at a finer level of detail, select Advanced Options
- Use any/all of the following fields:
- Item Number (use the Binocluars icon to search for and select a specific Item)
- Created By
- Created Date - From/To
- With any of these fields populated, select Search
Only Requisitions that contain those specific search terms (Item, Created By, etc) will be displayed.
Fig.2 - Search and Advanced Options
List of Requisitions
The Requisition Center looks different for Purchase and Outlet Requisitions.
Field name | Description | Where |
A Flag will appear if you have 'Allow Requisition request more than available stock' disabled in the Property Preferences > Requisitions settings. This flag will appear after 2 days of the Outlet Requisition being created to alert a user that the Outlet Requisition is yet to be released/posted | Outlet Requisitions only | |
Number | Displays the Requisition number | Purchase Requisitions / Outlet Requisitions |
Description | Displays the Requisition description entered by a user when the Requisition was created | Purchase Requisitions / Outlet Requisitions |
Ordering Outlet | Displays the name or number of the outlet, which requested the products | Purchase Requisitions / Outlet Requisitions |
Delivery Date | Displays the date when the Requisition creator expects delivery of the products ordered | Purchase Requisitions / Outlet Requisitions |
Item Count | Total number of line items in the requisition | Purchase Requisitions / Outlet Requisitions |
Total Cost | Total cost of products in the requisition | Purchase Requisitions / Outlet Requisitions |
Created By | The name of the user who created the Requisition | Purchase Requisitions / Outlet Requisitions |
Released | This column shows whether the Requisition was released or not | Purchase Requisitions / Outlet Requisitions |
Approval Status | If a Requisition comprises products that require approval, it is possible to create a Purchase Order from this Requisition only after it is approved. The following statuses are possible:
No Active Routing — The Requisition either does not require approval or has not been routed for approval yet
Review Pending — The Requisition has been routed for approval and is on hold until the reviewer's feedback
Approval Pending — The Requisition is on hold for approval. The Requisition can receive this status either after the review or after routing for approval if the route does not include the step of review Final Review Pending —The Requisition is on hold for final approval
Final Approved — The Requisition has already been Final Approved and is ready for release or Purchase Order creation |
Purchase Requisitions / Outlet Requisitions |
Need By Date | Displays the date by which the Requisitioned products or recipes should be delivered to the Ordering Outlet | Outlet Requisitions |
Posted | This field indicates if the Outlet Requisition has already been posted | Outlet Requisitions |
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