MacromatiX has a range of reporting tools that are easily accessible on a mobile device. The modern report layout and formats are designed to be displayed on a mobile device and are easy to read and understand.
Mobile Reporting
- From the Menu tab, navigate to the Reporting tab
- Select Store Dashboard - Mobile
Fig.1 - Menu navigation
- Alternatively, log into the mobile site and from the Mobile Menu, select Operations
- Select Store Dashboard
Fig.2 - Mobile navigation
Ops Dashboard
The mobile dashboard offers real time access to sales data via the mobile interface. It displays a quick snapshot for store managers to review their daily KPI’s to see how their restaurant is performing.
Fig.3 - Dashboard
- Select between the following options:
- 3 Types of Sales Data - Net Sales, Transaction Count, Ticket Average
- Time Range - Today, Yesterday, Last Year, Week, Month
Fig.4 - Filter options
- Drill down to store-level data by selecting Company, Regions, Areas, Stores
Fig.5 - Store selection
- The default display is Vertical Bars. Additional options include Line Graph, Horizontal Bars, and Pie Chart
Fig.6 - Reporting options
Reporting total numbers are compared against expected values and can be highlighted in the following format:
Red is displayed if the value is outside of the expected tolerance range
Green is displayed if the value is within the expected range
Grey is displayed if tolerance is not applicable to the reporting measure
Tolerance can be set at +/-10%
Data may not display using the color-coding system if the tolerance range has not been properly set for the store. Please reach out to your corporate contact to request the tolerance to be configured for your store if needed.
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