The Count Travel Path feature determines how items will appear on the inventory count within Macromatix. Items can be added and removed from the count, and the order of the items on the inventory list can be modified as well.
Review Count Travel Path Settings
To begin, select Count Travel Path from the Special Tasks menu on the left. Confirm the correct store is selected at the top of the page.
The Location Setup box should always display the Location as "Main" by default. Do not make any changed to that field. All of the following changes will be made in the Your Travel Path for Main box on this page (as seen in Fig.1).
- Open the Stocktake Group menu to select which group of inventory items to review - example: "Produce" or "Beverage"
- The page will refresh to display the items in the selected group
Any items missing from this list will not appear on the inventory count page in Macromatix
Fig.1 - Use the Stocktake Group filter to sort items
Add or Remove Items
To add an item, select the Add New button above the list of items (as seen in Fig.2).
- A new Item menu will display, allowing the user to select any items for that group that have already been associated with the store
- Choose the item, and then select the Add button
- If the item does not appear in the Item list, then it has not been associated with the store. Please contact Customer Support to assist.
To remove any items from the inventory count, select the Delete button to the right of that item row (as seen in Fig.2).
- This does not impact the ability to place an order with this item. It does remove it from the inventory count screen. It is advised to do this if the store doesn't need to count an item for a period of time.
Fig.2 - The buttons used to add or remove items on the Count Travel Path page
Modify the Order of Items
The numerical values in the Travel Path column determine the order of the items on the inventory count screen. The lower the number, this higher it will appear on the list. For example (as seen in Fig.3), lettuce will be first in the produce section with a travel path of 616, followed by tomatoes with a travel path of 626.
- To change the sort order, click into the Travel Path field for the item
- Enter a new value based on where it should appear in the list
- Once all the values have been updated, select Sort and Update at the top of the list to save the changes
- The page will refresh and rearrange the items based on the new values
Newly added items will have a default Travel Path of 0, so this will need to be adjusted for each new item added.
Tip: It is suggested that the values of each item be set as multiples of 10, allowing users to easily insert new items in between the existing ones, without having to adjust the entire list.
Fig.3 - Edit the Travel Path to change the order of the items on the inventory count
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