Once an order has been entered into the system, several actions can be taken to edit the contents of the order or modify when it was applied. This article will review how to search for an existing order and the four action buttons available at the bottom of each order - Return Mode, Return Entire Order, Change Apply Date, and Correct Receive.
Fig.1 – The four action buttons to edit orders
Searching for an Order
To begin, search for the order that was already submitted. Select Orders from the Daily Tasks menu on the left. Confirm the correct store is selected at the top of the page, and choose the Details tab. Use the order search filters as seen in Fig.2 to locate the order in question.
- Enter the invoice number in the first box and select Search if it is known
- Alternatively, select the appropriate supplier, change the status to 'All', and select the time period when the order was created
The Order drop-down menu will then populate with all possible results matching the search criteria. Select the order that requires changes, and the details of that order will display on the page. Scroll to the bottom of the order detail to see the four action buttons seen in Fig.1.
Fig.2 – Order search filters
Return Mode
Return Mode allows users to reduce the number of items originally received on the invoice. Selecting the Return Mode button will open up a new column in the list of items labeled Purchase Return Qty. (see Fig.3)
- Type in the number of each item to return
- Select the Return/Save button (where the Return Mode button previously was in Fig.1) when complete
The value entered will now populate in the Returned column, and the Received column will reflect the deduction.
Fig.3 – Purchase Return Qty column added by Return Mode
Return Entire Order
The Return Entire Order option will mark every item on an order as fully returned. This is functionally the same as deleting an order on Macromatix, as no item on a voided order will show up on the Inventory Report. All item quantities will appear in the Returned column, but the invoice will remain on the site for record-keeping purposes.
Exercise caution when using this feature! The action is irreversible, and there is no confirmation after pressing the Return Entire Order button (where the Return Entire Order button previously was in Fig.1). Once returned, no other changes can be made to the invoice.
Correct Receive
The Correct Receive function will allow a user to change the number of items recorded as received on an invoice, as well as their extended (Ext) cost. Upon selecting this button (as seen in Fig.1) , two new columns will appear in the list of items: Correct Receive Qty and Correct Ext. Price (see Fig.4).
- For all necessary items, enter the updated received quantity
- The extended price of the item will automatically be calculated with the new received quantity, but it can be manually edited if needed which will update the purchase price of the adjusted item
- Select the Correct/Save button (where the Correct Receive button previously was in Fig.1)
Note: When correcting an order, do not input a negative value.
The updated quantity will appear in the Received column once the order list has refreshed.
Fig.4 – Columns added when using the Correct Receive function
Change Apply Date
The Change Apply Date feature allows a user to change the date that an order is applied. This is important to ensure that the numbers are included for the appropriate week on inventory reporting.
- Navigate to the Receive tab on the order, and scroll to the bottom of the page to view the current apply date/time of the order
- Note: The date on the Order menu in Fig.2 shows the date the order was created; the date on the Receive tab shows when it was applied (as seen in Fig.5)
Fig.5 – The invoice apply date in the Received Tab
To edit this apply date, navigate back to the Order tab and select the Change Apply Date button as seen in Fig.1.
- A new field will appear where a new date & time can be entered as seen in Fig.6
- Once the date and time is updated, select the OK button to save the change
- The system will create a new invoice for the new time (you may need to reload the Orders tab in order to see it)
The original invoice will be voided out, all items will be returned, and it will no longer be editable. The new invoice (containing the same items) will reflect the updated apply date.
Fig.6 – Changing the apply date on the Detail tab
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