This article describes the process of replacing a Supplier with another in FnB.
Before Replacing the Supplier
Ensure that the Supplier which will replace the existing one is added to the organization, to do so:
- Go to Supplier Management and search to see if the Supplier is there
Fig.1 – Browse Suppliers
If the Supplier is within the system, then move onto the ‘Replacing the Supplier’ section of this article.
If the Supplier is not within the system, then move onto the ‘Adding a New Supplier’ section of this article.
Adding a New Supplier
Suppliers can be added to the system very easily.
- Select Add New Supplier
- Search for the required Supplier and select it
- Select the No Sites radio button and select Finish
This will add the Supplier to the organisation.
Fig.2 – Add a New Supplier
Replacing the Supplier
There are a number of processes which must be considered and checked before replacing a Supplier.
- There must be no pending deliveries or credit notes open for the Supplier which requires replacing. If there is even one pending document in a site, then the replacement will fail and the product list will be duplicated
- If possible, get the sites to put in last orders and have them approved by a specific time and date. This allows a window for replacing the Supplier before the next orders for these goods need to be placed
- It may not be possible to have a window where there are no pending documents - e.g. daily deliveries – and so in these cases, it is advised that the documents are approved (with false numbers) to allow the replacement to occur. These documents can be re-opened as soon as the replacement has occurred
- When re-opened, these documents can be approved in as usual
Please Note: The Supplier details for pending deliveries will not be charged in the replacement. Once reopened, the original Supplier information will be there to allow for correct invoice matching.
Processing Pending Deliveries
- Go to Site level, select the Stock Management tab and search for the pending deliveries from the Supplier that is being replaced
- Select the pending delivery tab
Fig.3 – Pending Deliveries
- If the goods were delivered, fill in the actual delivery note number and approve into stock
- If the goods were not delivered and are not expected to be, delete the delivery
- If the goods were not delivered but are expected in the future, approve the delivery into stock, taking note of the delivery number in order to re-open it once the replacement has occurred
Fig.4 – Delivery Note Number
Please note: When approving multiple deliveries that have not actually been delivered, use the same code to make it easier to search by this code to re-open.
Supplier Management in Enterprise Manager
- Log in to Enterprise and go to Supplier Management
- Select the Replace Supplier link
A pop-up box will display.
- Enter the name of the Supplier to be replaced
- Select the required Supplier
Fig.5 – Supplier to be Replaced
The field will display again to enter the name of the Supplier which is to replace the original.
- Search for and select the required Supplier
Fig.6 – Supplier to Replace the Original
- The final step is to update this change to Site level, expand the Site tree to view and select the Sites where the change will occur
- Select Finish
Please Note: All Sites must be updated even if it an old site or a training site. If any Site is not updated, the replacement will not be successful and the product list will be duplicated.
Fig.7 – Site Tree
- An alert will display asking for confirmation if this is the required action. If there is a need to double check things or postpone the replacement, then select Cancel
- To proceed, select OK
Fig.8 – Confirmation Pop-Up
The actions carried out on the System are highlighted in the message which will display.
- Select Close
Fig.9 – Replacement Successful Confirmation
Once the replacement has occurred, check the Product List tab to confirm there are no products still in the list.
Fig.10 – Master Product List
Removing a Supplier from Site
- To remove a Supplier from Site level, go to the Where Used tab and select Remove Supplier from Site
Fig.11 – Remove Supplier from Site
A pop-up box will display.
- Select the Site which the Supplier should be removed from and select Step 2
Fig.12 – Site Tree
An alert will display confirming if this is the action to be carried out.
- Select OK
Fig.13 – Confirmation Pop-Up
The system will list the Sites which the Supplier has been removed from.
- Select Close and the Supplier will be removed from Site
Fig.14 – Removed Site Confirmation
The final process is to archive the Supplier in Enterprise.
- Select the Edit Details tab
- Select the Archive Supplier button
Fig.15 – Archive Supplier Button
The Supplier has now been archived and will not be available at any Site, have any product relationships and cannot be viewed on the live list of Suppliers.
Fig.16 – Archived Supplier
Re-Open Approved Deliveries
Once the replacement has occurred, it is advised to re-open the approved documents which have not yet actually been received at Site level immediately.
- Login to Site level, select the Stock Management tab and select the Approved tab
- Search for the document to be re-opened and select it
Fig.17 – Approved Tab
- Within the document detail page, select Re-Open
Fig.18 – Re-Open Button
- Remove the document’s number which was entered, then select Save and Return
- When the actual delivery comes in, this can be approved as normal
Fig.19 – Delivery Note Number
Things to Consider
- Ideally, a replacement will occur at the beginning of a new Stock Period in the same way that it is best to make changes for other areas at the beginning of a new period
- The Supplier codes and cost prices may vary from the original Supplier and some may need to be archived from the original list
- Some new products may need to be created and added to the new Supplier
- If the replacement fails, it can be amended by doing the replacement again
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