The purpose of this document is to guide users through setting up an additional approval process for purchasing from suppliers with purchase order maximum order values.
How to set up Purchase Order Notifications
To set up notifications for orders for suppliers, the following setting needs to be enabled:
Fig.1 - Global Settings that need to be enabled
Adjusting and reapplying Security Templates
The security templates will need to be adjusted to identify which users are unable to place orders outside of the supplier purchase limitations.
Fig.4 - Template options for Templates able to approve Over Maximum Orders
Adding Email Address Details To Users
To ensure that users are able to approve orders outside of purchase limitations, it is essential that their user profile contains an active email address.
Adding Limitations to the Supplier
The final steps are to add the maximums to the supplier. If this limitation is a global change it should be made at Enterprise level, If its is unique to each location, then Site level should be used instead.
At Site Level
At Enterprise Level
Fig.8 - Highlighting the route to the Suppliers Lists in Enterprise
Fig.9 - Supplier limit options at Enterprise Level
The purpose of this document is to guide users through setting up an additional approval process for purchasing from suppliers with purchase order maximum order values.
How to set up Purchase Order Notifications
To set up notifications for orders for suppliers, the following setting needs to be enabled:
- Expand Systems Administration > Global Settings > Enable the option Purchase Order to Display Created by as seen in Fig.1
Fig.1 - Global Settings that need to be enabled
The security templates will need to be adjusted to identify which users are unable to place orders outside of the supplier purchase limitations.
- To find the Security Templates from the side menu, expand Systems Administration and go to Security Templates, as per Fig.2
Fig.2 - Security Templates within the side menu
- Within this section, select each template that applies to users who will not be allowed to place orders outside of the purchase order maximums
- The option Notify When Order Is Above Maximum Amount should then be enabled within each, as per Fig.3
Fig.3 - Template options for Templates unable to approve Over Maximum Orders
- Save changes and then select the option Reapply template to users
- Identify which templates are applied to users who will be able to approve orders outside of purchase order maximums.
The following settings should be enabled (as shown in Fig.4)
- Receive Notification Of Maximum Orders
- Override Maximum Orders
- Notify When Order Is Above Maximum
Fig.4 - Template options for Templates able to approve Over Maximum Orders
- Save changes and then select the option Reapply template to users
Adding Email Address Details To Users
To ensure that users are able to approve orders outside of purchase limitations, it is essential that their user profile contains an active email address.
- Expand Global Settings > select Users
- Individually identify and select each user who will be able to approve the orders
- Navigate to the Edit User tab, and in the appropriate box enter the correct email address
- Save changes
Fig.5 - The Edit User tab
The final steps are to add the maximums to the supplier. If this limitation is a global change it should be made at Enterprise level, If its is unique to each location, then Site level should be used instead.
At Site Level
- Navigate to the Stock Management tab
- In the left hand menu, under the section labled Master Data, the link for Manage Suppliers can be found (Fig.6)
Fig.6 - Highlighting where to find the Manage Suppliers Screen
- Select the supplier to which the limitation is to be placed against from the list attached to the site
- Selecting the Edit function will open the edit pane, where the Maximum Order Amount can be found to the lower right
- Below this the option Block Orders Above Maximum Amount should also be enabled. These can be seen highlighted in Fig.7
Fig.7 - Supplier limit options at Site Level
- Expand the Supplier Management option and select Browse Alphabetical (Fig.8)
- From the list that is generated select the supplier that limitations are to be placed against. The search function can be used to speed up locating the Supplier
Fig.8 - Highlighting the route to the Suppliers Lists in Enterprise
- On the supplier details navigate to the Edit Details tab where the Maximum Order Amount
can be inputted - Block Orders Above Maximum Amount should also be enabled, as highlighted in Fig.9
Fig.9 - Supplier limit options at Enterprise Level
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