User Group - Requisition Access Rights
When access rights are associated with a user group, all users assigned to that user group will be provided access to that function.
To access the Requisition option access rights, as shown in Fig.1:
- Navigate to Property > Setup > User Groups > User Groups
- Double-click the desired user group
- Select Requisition from the Main Menu drop down
- Add or modify access rights
- Click Save

Fig.1 - Accessing the Requisition access rights
Fields | Description |
Requisition Center* | Provides view-only access to the Requisition Center, but not to the contents of requisitions. The Requisition Center button and drop-down menu become accessible, as seen in Fig.2.![]() Fig.2 - Requisition Center button and drop-down menu. |
Product Transfers | Provides usability access to the Transfer Center. The Transfer Center option becomes accessible in the Requisition drop-down menu, as seen in Fig.3.![]() Fig.3 - Transfer Center option becomes accessible |
Inter Property Tranfers | Provides usability access to the Inter Property Transfers in the Transfer Center, as seen in Fig.4. Note: this will not apply to standalone properties. ![]() Fig.4 - Inter Property Transfer option becomes accessible |
Template Center* | Provides viewing access to the Template Center but not to any templates, even if Read or Full access has been given to the user. The Template Center option becomes accessible in the Requisition drop-down menu, as seen in Fig.5.![]() Fig.5 - Template Center option becomes accessible |
Template Order Guide | Provides access to the Template Order Guide screen which is the same as the Requisitions > Template Center > Create Purchase Template screen. This option becomes accessible in the Requisition drop-down menu, as seen in Fig.6.![]() Fig. 06 - Template Order Guide option becomes accessible |
Requisition Audit | Provides access to the Requisition Audit screen. When a Purchase Requisition is processed into a Purchase Order it is removed from the Requisition Center and can only be viewed in this area, as long as Retain Purchase Requisitions is enabled under Property > Administration > Property Preferences > Purchasing. This option becomes accessible under the Requisition drop-down menu, as seen in Fig.7.![]() Fig.7 - Requisition Audit option becomes accessible |
Process Outlet Requisition | Provides access to the function in Requisition Center > Process > Outlet Requisition and in the Requisition drop-down and in the Requisition Center, as seen in Fig.8, but does not give the processing and posting ability.![]() Fig.8 - Process Outlet Requisition option becomes accessible in both areas |
Requisition Export | Provides access to the Requisition Export interface in the Requisition drop-down menu, as seen in Fig.9, which requires the necessary setup under Property > Administration > Interfaces > IPOR.
![]() Fig.9 - Requisition Export option becomes accessible |
Note: fields with an asterisk indicates a Submenu with additional access rights.
Note: once the appropriate access rights have been associated to the user group:
- Click Save
Additional Access Rights
Some of the Submenu options have extra access rights associated with them.
- To access, click "..." under the Access Rights column, as seen in Fig.10

Fig.10 - Accessing additional access rights
When additional access rights are provided to the user group for the Requisition Center, the users assigned to that group will be able to do more within that area. The additional access rights are shown in Fig.11.

Fig.11 - Access Right - Requisition Center
Fields | Description |
Request From Store Room | Used to have a function, but no longer does. |
Requisition Access | Used to have a function, but no longer does. |
Post Outlet Requisition | Provides the user the ability to post any outlet requisition for the outlets to which they have access, as seen in Fig.12.![]() Fig.12 - Posting Outlet Requisition access becomes available
Route to Individual Rights | Provides the ability to select Individual Routing option under Approvals > Route Type on a Purchase Requisition, so that the user may choose a specific user to route a Purchase Requisition to instead of using pre-existing routes, as seen in Fig.13.![]() Fig.13 - Individual Routing option becomes available
Create PO from Requisition Screen | As shown in Fig.14, the the user will be able to click Create PO on the Purchase Requisition to then start the process for creating a Purchase Order. As well, this also provides the user with access to click Issue RFQ (Request For Quotation), which will send the items on the Purchase Requisition to any vendor set up with the ability to be e-mailed or faxed an RFQ.![]() Fig.14 - Create PO and Issue RFQ options become available
Outlet Requisition Access Rights | Provides the creator of the Outlet Requisition(s) the ability to access Outlet Requisitions which they have created. Create - will need to have the Create access right for Can Create Requisitions Directly also marked in order to make a new Outlet Requisition. Edit - will allow the creator to modify their saved Outlet Requisitions. Requires the View access right in order to see the contents of the Outlet Requisition. View - will allow the creator to only view their saved Outlet Requisitions. Delete - will allow the creator to remove their saved Outlet Requisitions. Print - will allow the creator to print out their saved Outlet Requisitions. Does not require any other access rights. |
Purchase Requisition Access Rights |
Provides the creator of the Purchase Requisition(s) the ability to access Purchase Requisitions which they have created. Also provides access to the Ordering app via the Fourth Platform/App for users with Fourth Account Service profiles within properties that have an applicable Editions subscription: Edit - will allow the creator to modify their saved Purchase Requisitions. Requires the View access right in order to see the contents of the Outlet Requisition. |
Purchase Requisition Return | Allows a user to be able to return other users' Purchase Requisitions on the Purchasing > Create PO's from Requisition > Review screen, as shown in Fig.15.![]() Fig.15 - Return option becomes available
Purchasing Adhoc Product Rights | Allows a user to create an Adhoc product on a Purchase Requisition, as can be seen in Fig.16.![]() Fig.16 - Adhoc option becomes accessible
Internal Transaction Adhoc Product Rights | Allows users to use Adhoc products which exist in the database on Outlet Requisitions, as shown in Fig.17.![]() Fig.17 - Adhoc products become accessible
Edit Product Description PR | Allows users to be able to modify the Product Description field for any product, as seen in Fig.18.![]() Fig.18 - Drop-down text field under Product Description becomes accessible
Access to Other User's Requisitions | Ability to be able to View, Edit, Delete, and Print other users' requisitions, depending on the access rights enabled.
Can Create Requisitions Directly | Ability for users to be able to create a requisition.
Punchout Access | Provides access to any punchouts which have been setup in Adaco, as seen in Fig.19.![]() Fig.19 - Punchout option becomes accessible
Edit Description for Product with active quotes in PR | Provides the ability to modify the Product Description for a product which has an active quote for the delivery date specified on the Purchase Requisition.
Inter-property Outlet Requisition Access Rights | This access right only pertains to multiple properties which are connected. Provides the ability to Outlet Requisition products/recipes from other properties, as seen in Fig.20.![]() Fig.20 - The Supplying Property drop-down becomes accessible
Allow Importing of Purchase Requisitions | Provides the ability to import a Purchase Requisition instead of using Add or Search.
Allow Printing of Pick Lists | Provides the ability to print a pick list when in an Outlet Requisition. Note: it may be best to only give this access to users who work in the Storeroom as clicking this will give a visual indicating to those users that the Pick List has already been printed and someone is already picking those products.
- Click Save

Fig.21 - Access Right - Template Center
Fields | Description |
Template Access | Provides the ability to access the Template Center and be able to Create, Edit, View, Delete, and Print Purchase Templates and/or Outlet Templates that the user creates. Create - provides the ability to make new Purchase Requisition Templates and Outlet Requisition Templates. Edit - provides the ability to modify existing templates the user has created or other templates to which appropriate access has been given. View - provides the ability to view existing templates the user has created or other templates to which appropriate access has been given. Delete - provides the ability to remove any existing templates the user has created or other templates to which appropriate access has been given. Print - provides the ability to print any existing templates the user has created or other templates to which appropriate access has been given. Note: Users will be able to use the template, regardless of any Template Center access rights being assigned from Requisition Center > From Template > Purchase Requisition/Outlet Requisition as long as appropriate Template Security access has been given. |
Template Administrator | Provides the ability to access the Template Center and be able to Create, Edit, View, Delete, and Print Purchase Requisition Templates and/or Outlet Requisition Templates that the user and other users create regardless of Template Security. Note: does not rely on any of the Template Access access rights being assigned. Note: still requires Template Security to be setup to provide access when using the template in Requisition Center > From Template. |
- Click Save
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