From 6th April 2022, certain businesses in England will have to display the calorie content of non-prepacked food and soft drink items that they prepare for their customers. The initiative applies to large out-of-home food businesses, including contract caterers, restaurants, cafes and takeaways with more than 250 employees. More information on the legislation can be found here.
The legislation only applies to certain menu categories. For example, alcoholic beverages over 1.2% abv are not included. Therefore, customers may potentially not have full calorie information for all recipes in Recipe & Menu Engineering (RME).
Customers utilising the partner Ten Kites for customer-facing displays (typically group recipes in menus) require a method to indicate which recipes do not have fully calculated nutrition so that these do not show any nutritional data on customer-facing outputs. Please see below for guidance.
The ability to identify recipes to Ten Kites that should not have nutritional information displayed will be completed by utilising the Categories feature in RME.
First, a Category structure must be set up for use.
To create a Category Type:
- Go to the admin tab and select > Categories from the drop-down
Fig.1 - Categories
- Select New
- Give the Category Type Name of Ten Kites
- Select System Category Type
- For Applies to, select Recipe
- Choose a Product Type of All, Standard or Batch
- Standard is recommended
- Choose if it is Required on every recipe
- Required is recommended as it enforces a conscious choice against every recipe
- Select Save
Fig.2 - Category Type
To create the main and sub-categories:
- Navigate to the second (Categories) tab
- Select Add Main Category
- Give the Category Name of Ten Kites
- Select Make this category publicly available
- Select Save
It is not possible to add categories on the second (categories) tab whilst in Edit mode. Be sure to Save when finished setting values on the first tab.
Fig.3 - Main Category
- Against the newly added Nutrition Main Category, Add Sub Category must be selected
- Add the Sub Category Name of EXCLUDE Nutrition on Ten Kites
- Select Save
Fig.4 - Sub Category
- Repeat this by selecting Add Sub Category against the Nutrition Main Category again and add a Sub Category Name of INCLUDE Nutrition on Ten Kites
There will then be a Main Category of 'Nutrition' with the two Sub Categories assigned.
Fig.5 - Finished Category Structure
- A Support Request must then be raised in the Fourth Customer Success Portal to request the GUID (unique identifier) for the EXCLUDE Nutrition on Ten Kites Sub Category
This identifier can then be passed on to your Ten Kites representative for configuration in the Ten Kites solution.
The GUID will be in the following format: eee827fb-5e0a-4237-80ef-ad5329865f2a.
This process will only come into effect once the GUID has been configured in the Ten Kites solution by your representative.
Recipe Process
Once the Category structure is configured, it can then be used against each recipe.
Within a recipe, whilst in Edit mode, the Ten Kites category can be added to identify if nutrition should be excluded from the Ten Kites display.
- Navigate to Recipes
- Create or Edit a recipe
- Select the Category tab
- Select Add New Category
- Please note, other category types may already be associated with the recipe. This is normal
Fig.6 - Add a Category to a Recipe
- For Category Type, select Ten Kites
- Select the required Sub Category
This will then move to the right-hand side.
- Select Save
Fig.7 - Select Ten Kites Category
The Category will then be associated with the recipe.
- Select Save
Fig.8 - Recipe with selected Category
The next time Ten Kites pull recipe data from the API, this Category value will be identified.
Fig.9 - API sample
Ten Kites will only look for the 'Exclude Nutrition' on Ten Kites value, and by default nutritional values will be displayed where configured to do so.
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