Offered Shifts - Additional Enhancements
Offered Shifts is coming right back with even more feature enhancements!
Offered shifts will now...
- Apply Meals and Breaks to an accepted offered shift.
- This only applies to customers using Meal & Break planning.
- Delete any expired shift and revert it to a house shift.
- This applies to any shift that is not accepted by the start time.
- Notify the employee with a message if a house shift was denied due to being converted to an offered shift.
We also included some more nifty UI elements into the mix...
Offered Shifts:
- will be deleted when a schedule is deleted
- will be converted to a house shift if a schedule is unposted
- will be treated as a house shift when creating from a template
- cannot be copied and pasted
The Roster Report will now show open offered shifts as "House Shift (O)"
In the ASC when inactivating group level Revenue Centers/ Order Modes it will now apply to various configuration pages.
- Forecasting & Labor
- Store Settings
- Labor Rules
- For Revenue Center (Order Mode) to be inactivated in the Labor Rules, it cannot be assigned to any active/ in use rule.
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