Did you know...
December not only celebrates cookies with National Cookie Day on the 4th, but numerous other sweet treats...this includes; brownies, pie, cocoa, cupcakes, and cotton candy. I don't know about you, but I am ready to dig into all the delicious treats that come my way this month. So, put your stretchy pants on, because they're coming... Along with the release notes.
Labor Main
Offered Shifts - Additional Selections and functionality upgrades
We have released multiple features surrounding offered shifts.
Including the ability to assign a Reason Type/ Code or comments to an offered shift. This only pertains to shifts that are within the advanced notice period.
If that isn't enough, Offered shifts now offer nifty features including auto rejections and cancellations. Along with the neat ability to convert to a house shift.
- Offered shifts will auto reject if:
- An assigned shift that overlaps the offered shift was reposted to the schedule.
- A shift pickup, swap, or house shift that overlaps the offered shift was accepted.
- A time off or availability request that overlaps the offered shift was accepted.
- Auto Cancellations will apply to any house shift pickup pending if the house shift is converted to an offered shift.
- Offered shifts will automatically convert back to a house shift if it is rejected by all offered employees. Once it reverts back, it is available to pickup as a house shift.
- We also made it so offered shifts are not allowed to be moved with drag and drop. A new offered shift must be created if a different time is desired. This will also change the selection of those who can be offered the shift.
ASC - Group Level Certifications & Revenue Centers
Revenue Centers can now be inactivated through the Above Store Console for selected group.
To accomplish this, login with your ASC account> Find the "Configure" tab> Group Configuration> Revenue Ports
Here you can find the Revenue Center you'd like to inactivate, using the menu next to the name, select "Inactivate"
- This will also inactivate that Revenue Center from reporting in the proforma
Certifications can now be inactivated and reactivated within the ASC too. This can also be done by finding the Certifications option within the Configure tab.
Hide Labor Costs on Proforma by Percent
There is now a setting within HotSchedules that can be enabled to hide costs on the proforma.
This company setting is so that users will not see labor dollars or wage information for employees that hold the same level permission set level or lower.
Admin perm set level - 1
Manager perm set level - 3
Shift lead perm set level - 5
Employee perm set level -10
In the hierarchy above, if, the Manager is reviewing the report, the Manager will be able to see those who have a Shift lead permission or Employee permission. The Manager will NOT be able to see another Manager or Admin's cost.
A neat addition with this feature is you can see what permission sets are being hidden on the report by selecting "click here" on the message that displays at the top of the report.
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