Released 9.30.2021
ASC - Labor rules
If you have access to configure and duplicate Labor Rules from one GROUP to another GROUP, you will now have the ability to map Revenue Centers from the Source Rule to the Target Rule.
Note: This applies to all rule types except the Dual Multiple Labor Rule. This may be addressed in a future release.
If you have access to the Scheduler where Minimum Time (pay exception) rules are configured in the ASC, you will now see the potential cost for creating a shift that is less than the minimum shift length (as configured in the rule). This is displayed in the Add Shift Modal as well as in the Schedule Summary KPI section.
Note: There are two pay options that can be selected in the ASC for Minimum Time. Pay 50% of shift, no less than 2 hour and no more than 4 hours applies to California only and only affects ACTUAL worked time. If this option is selected, the scheduler and schedule summary will not display the potential cost as California does not have a minimum shift length you can schedule.
We are starting to update some of the features of the Logbook. In the Above Store Console, we are updating the navigation labels and page headers for "Read/Write LB" & "Read LB" to "Store Logs". This small change is intended to provide a more intuitive understanding of the contents of the page.
Note: Future Logbook release notes will be found in the Logbook Section of the Release Notes.
A new API method is now available that will allow you to GET a list of employees by store and their UNAVAILABLE TIME.
Note: this only returns availability that has an effective date that has been approved by a manager (in other words, where all employees are unavailable until their first submission for a change to their availability will return 0 records).
Future updates to this API will include Available Time in addition to the Unavailable Time as well as the ability to define if you want one or the other or both in the data that’s returned.
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