Fourth Analytics allows users to export dashboards, reports, and graphs so that the data can be further analysed and shared within the business.
The Productivity dashboard displays data for the Labour Productivity module of the Fourth Analytics solution and is available to Enterprise and Performance WFM edition customers.
The Productivity Dashboard contains a set of Tabs:
- Overview
- Daypart Sales
- Scheduling
- Hours Analysis
- Deployment
- Location Graphs
- Sales Types
Available Sales and Hours Types
Data feeds into Fourth Analytics once daily from the core application – Workforce Management (WFM).
Sales Types
The sales data is updated for the last 2 weeks and the next 7 weeks, so users can use Analytics to review future sales forecasts.
Types of Sales Transactions:
- Actual Sales
- System Forecast Sales
- Manager Forecast Sales
Actual Sales – Actual Sales are exported to analytics by location, hour and revenue type i.e. Drink, Food, Other.
System Forecast – This is the demand forecast that is generated from the Labour Productivity solution. This is exported to analytics by location, hour and revenue type i.e. Drink, Food, Other
Forecast Sales – This is the manager's forecast that can be manually entered into Labour Productivity. If the manager has not updated the forecast, this will be the same as the System Forecast. This is exported to analytics by location, hour and revenue type i.e. Drink, Food, Other
Hours Types
Labour Hours data is updated daily for the last 2 weeks and the next 4 weeks.
Types of Hours Transactions:
- Actual Sales
- Budget Sales
- Forecast Sales
Actual Hours – Actual hours recorded within the Labour Productivity module. Please Note: This does not include breaks.
Scheduled Hours – Forecasted Hours are entered by the manager within the Labour Productivity module.
Suggested/Required Hours – Suggested/Required Hours are the number of hours the Labour Productivity solution recommends to meet the level of expected demand.
- Suggested Hours are based on the Manager Forecast Sales
- Required Hours are based on the Actual Sales.
Overview Tab
The Overview tab provides an outline view of the key productivity metrics. Use the reports to identify focus points and navigate to the relevant tab for more information.
The overview tab could be scheduled to users mailboxes as it is displaying the last 6 weeks for insight into trends.
Fig.1 - Overview tab in the Productivity dashboard
Daypart Sales
These reports help determine whether managers are forecasting sales accurately and how customer behaviour is changing compared with the same time last year.
Fig.2 - Daypart Sales tab in the Productivity dashboard
These reports help determine whether managers are scheduling in line with Sales demand.
- The Labour Cost is the basic wage, excluding cost elements like NI, Pensions and Holiday Accrual.
- When viewing today’s date or future dates, manager forecast is used in place of Actual Sales.
Fig.3 - Scheduling tab in the Productivity dashboard
Hours Analysis
Fourth Analytics can report on hours down to Location and Labour Productivity area only, e.g. Front of House (FOH) / Back of House (BOH).
Hours cannot be drilled down to Division, Job Title or Employee. Use the Labour dashboard for detailed information on Rota Cost and Hours.
Fig.4 - Hours Analysis tab in the Productivity dashboard
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