When purchasing at site level, many different individuals may have access to do so. This may speed up the process of ordering when there is a large inventory to be ordered or if there are multiple sections from the site that require a team effort to order. An example of this is if the Head Chef is solely responsible for their orders while the Head Bartender is solely responsible for ordering the drinks for the site. When considering this it may be useful to fully understand how to edit and modify a purchase order. This will allow multiple users to access an order and add or remove products onto it. This is much more efficient than having two or three separate orders being put through into the system.
Saving an Order
At the very top and bottom of every purchase order there are several options once finished inputting the order.
- To place an order into draft status select Save
Fig.1 - Ordering Tab
The normal process after inputting the order would be to select the Approve button. An order may require editing for several reasons.
Some of these reasons are..
- Not finished with the order
- Other users will add/remove onto the order
- Admin needs to review it
- Order is to be copied and not officially placed in order management
- Waiting for future items
Depending on the reason, the order may never have to leave the 'draft' status. Draft or Modified orders inside the Order Management tab will have a few differences compared to approved orders. Approved orders will have a delivery date as well as a check box to use when selecting orders for approval to supplier. Draft and modified orders will not have any of these options.
Fig.2 - Order Management Tab
If a user selects Approve All, draft and modified orders will not be sent out and will remain in the Order Management tab.
Editing an Order
- To take an order out of draft status, select the Edit option under the Action section. Refer to Fig.2
This opens up the order again and gives the option to add or remove items as well as review the items inputted previously.
Once finished there is the same option to Save or to Order complete.
- Selecting Approve will approve the order to be ready to be sent out to the supplier(s)
- Selecting the Save option will place the order in a modified status. Refer to fig.2.
This is similar to the draft status, with the exception that is noted that it has been reopened and saved again.
Approve Orders
In order to approve a drafted or modified order..
- Select Edit on desired order
- Review Items Inputted
- Select Order Complete
Fig.3 - Selecting Order Complete
Once an order has been completed it will change the status of the order from modified or draft to 'pending'. Once pending orders can be approved and sent to supplier.
Final Summary
Understanding the use of saving an order will help many sites order in a more efficient manner. Many times in the industry there is more than one user placing orders. In a large site it can be a handful to be responsible for ordering every product needed. Many times the head staff will fill out the order then afterwards the general manager will review and approve it for the supplier. This process allows for a quick and accurate ordering process with minimal room for error. Having a clean and organised order management screen will allow for smoother ordering process for all staff.
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