The System is designed to help those in the hospitality industry manage their purchasing, stock control and time.
It is important to use the system when placing orders to suppliers to ensure the correct product, product UOM and quantity are ordered to fulfil supplier requirements. If this is not possible the order raised & subsequent goods received must be recorded on the system to ensure all stock is captured accordingly. Manually input orders can be used for any order raised to a supplier that was not placed through the system for reasons such as limited internet access to generate orders.
The following document will outline the method used to record manually raised orders on the system.
Before Placing an Order
- Before placing an order ensure that this order has not been created and sent by another user
Fig 1 - Stock Management Tab
- Select the Stock Management tab and view the orders on the Pending tab to check what orders have been sent.
- All orders raised on the system that have yet to be delivered are displayed on this page.
Fig 2 - Pending Tab with Pending Transactions
- The supplier, delivery date and cost of the order are displayed, however the user can select a specific order to view the detail if required
- Once it is confirmed that the relevant order required has not been raised proceed with the following steps
Recording a Manually Input Order
Create Manually Input Order
Fig 3 - Purchasing Tab
- Click the purchasing tab of the system to view the order options
- Click the ‘Manually input order’ link.
Fig 4 - Manually Input Order Screen
- The page will display any pending manually inputted orders that are waiting to be approved into stock, alternatively the user is able to create a new manually input order.
Fig 5 - Pending Manually Input Orders
- To create a new manually input order select a site (if appropriate).
Fig 6 - Site Selection Drop-down List
- Select the appropriate delivery day i.e. when you expect the goods
- NB. If the order has been received today it is possible to enter today's date in this field
Fig 7 - Delivery Date Field
- Select an appropriate supplier & enter any applicable messages.
Fig 8 - Supplier & Comments Fields
- The site, delivery date & supplier information are all mandatory fields, the comments box may not be mandatory as this is configured per user profile.
Fig 9 - Completed Manfully Input Order
- Once all required information has been entered click the green ‘Next button’.
Fig 10 - Input Product Quantities
- The relevant product information will then be displayed
- The products are displayed by category & alphabetically within each category in a page by page view (as per ‘New by supplier’ electronic order)
- Note: The difference between a manually input order & electronic order at this point is the quantities entered are populated within the quantity column & not the ‘order’ column; also there is no restriction on order size UOM a singular or pack size of a product can be selected.
- Once the relevant lines are populated click the grey ‘Next>>’ to be taken to the next stage of entering the manual order details.
Fig 11 - Populated Manually Input Order
- The following page is displayed as per a standard goods received note and each line can be edited, removed or approved accordingly
- The relevant PO & delivery reference must be entered and delivery date checked before the goods are approved into stock.
Update Delivery Note
Fig 12 - Pending Goods Received Note (GRN)
- All goods received into stock must be captured to ensure a correct and update to date stock holding. Manually input orders can be used for goods from suppliers that are not able to receive fax/e-mail/EDI orders, but can also be used as a ‘fail safe’ to ensure that all stock is captured if, for any reason, and order cannot be raised on the system.
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