The Stock Count page is used to enter Stock Count / Cyclic Stock Count figures. The type/number of products included on this page varies according to the type of Stock Count selected from the Stock Count Home Page, however information displayed is always the same - as is the process for entering Stock Count figures.
Available Information
For any Stock Count, the following information is shown for products:
- Vintage. Where applicable, the product Vintage is displayed. This is typically used for wines (e.g. 1970).
- Name. Displays the Product Name.
- PLU. If the product is in a menu item it will have a Product Lookup Number (PLU) shown here.
- Bin #. Where applicable, the product Bin # is shown. This is used for stock counting - typically by hotels for stock counting wine.
- Cost Price. The cost price per Unit of Measurement.
- UOM. The Unit of Measurement in which the product is counted.
- Close.The quantity of this product that was counted (at this site) at the end of this stock period.
- Value. The weighted average closing value - i.e. (Opening Value + the Purchasing Value) / (Opening Quantity + Purchase Quantity).
[Note!] If products are listed over multiple pages (i.e. it is necessary to use back/forward buttons at the bottom of the page), any changes to the current page must be saved before moving backwards or forwards in the list. When entering stock count numbers, it may be easier to set the Show Records Per Page (at the bottom of the list) to a higher value, so more items are displayed at one time.
View Options
Buttons at the top of the Stock Count list are used to change how the page is displayed - choose between a flat list view (without product Category tabs) or to display product Category tabs. Additionally, the Setup button can be used to access the Organise Products page and define how product lists are presented in different areas of the system.
Inputting Stock Count Figures
To input Stock Count figures, simply enter the number in the Close field for each product. Having updated all required products on a page, click Save and progress through the list as needed.
[Note!] If a product has been scheduled for archive, a Scheduled for Archive message is displayed beneath the product name. A products can only be archived when its closing stock is zero.
Having updated the Close field for all required products, click Save & Return to exit back to the Stock Count Home Page or click Save & Finalise to access the Stock Count Finalisation page to finalise the stock count.
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