Released 10.8.2020
Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone in 1876, suggested answering calls with "ahoy." I like to imagine that if that were the case, these days we would see emails start with things like: “ahoy, I hope this email finds you well”
Support Effective Dated Jobs - Shift Swap
This change updates the shift swap process to enforce job effective dates. For team members who have been assigned a job with an effective date, they will not be able to swap to a shift that occurs prior to the effective date for a job.
Display Borrowing & Sharing History
This feature will allow those with access to the Staff List to view an employee’s historical share & borrowing history. Within the share & borrowing history, there is a filter option that allows the selection of a specific location and the option to hide expired records.
Borrowed Employee Pay Type Persist
This change will persist an employee's pay type when they are shared to another store to ensure salaried employees are automatically assigned the correct pay type.
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