To help our Oregon clients stay in compliance with State legislation, we have created the Voluntary Standby List (VSL) feature. This feature will help team members opt-in or opt-out of the VSL using the Web and Mobile apps. Also, we have the functionality to allow managers to opt-in or opt-out in the employee's behalf. This article will walk you through the process and show managers how they can filter team members in the VSL from the scheduler.
Employee Walkthrough
As a team member, you will be able to opt-in/out from both the web and mobile application. If you are logged in to your HotSchedules account using a Web browser, you will need to navigate to Settings>Personal. In the left menu options, you will see the Voluntary Standby list option. If the box is checked it means you are Opt-in and managers will receive a HotSchedule message.
Manager Walkthrough
As a Manager, if you have the permission, you will be able to opt-in and opt-out employees from the Staff list. You can either do it from the employee profile page or bulk update multiple employees at once. Team members will receive a HotSchedules message from the manager that made the update.
- Single Employee
-Multiple Employees
When employees have opt-in an employee attribute with the letter 'v' in it will display under their name in the scheduler. You will be able to filter employees in the scheduler using the employee attribute filter option.
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