Schedule Audit Report
The HotSchedules Schedule Audit report was created specifically for predictive scheduling documentation requirements.
Each initial shift will appear in gray, and all modifications will appear in white.
The Original Owner column displays the name of the employee originally assigned to a housed, released, picked-up, or swapped shift.
The Hours Change column displays if hours were added or subtracted to the originally scheduled shift. This includes picked-up and released shifts, deleted and unposted schedules/shifts, swaps, and housed shifts. The behavior for the displayed information in the column is as follows:
- Picked-up and Released Shifts - The number of hours being picked up or released will be displayed. For example, if Miles releases his 8-hour shift, and Tony picks it up, a +8.00 will appear in the column for Tony and a -8.00 will appear in the column for Miles.
- Deleted Shifts & Schedules - When a shift or schedule is deleted, the Hours Change column will display the number of hours lost for each shift for each employee.
- Unposted Schedules - Unposted schedules will not display a figure in the Hours Change column, but they will still appear beneath the initial shift.
- Swaps - Similarly to picked-up and released shifts, the Hours Change column will display the numbers gained or lost due to a swap. If Miles swaps his 8-hour shift with Tony’s 5-hour shift, a -3 will appear for Miles and a +3 will appear for Tony.
- Housed Shifts - When an employee’s shift is housed by a manager, the shift’s duration will appear in the Hours Change column. When Miles’ 8-hour shift was housed because he was sent home for bullying Tony the day before, a -8 will appear in the report.
- Editing Initial Shifts - When an initial shift is edited multiple times, the Hours Change column will reflect the change to the most recent edit. In other words, if Tony is originally scheduled 9:00 - 5:00 (8 hours), but then the shift is edited to 12:00 - 5:00, a -3 will appear. If the shift is edited again to 1:00 - 5:00, a new line will display in the report with a -1 in the Hours Change column. Each time the shift is edited a new line will appear with the latest edit.
- The Edit to Shift Start column displays the number of hours from the shift’s original start date it was modified. The number will always be rounded to the nearest quarter of the hour and includes information on swaps and pick ups. The slider bar has also been updated to include this change and includes a tool tip upon hovering your mouse.
Schedule Thresholds
Managers can also create Schedule Thresholds for their employees. If an employee is then scheduled outside of those thresholds, the Scheduler will inform the scheduling manager. To create a Schedule Threshold, managers can navigate to the bottom of the tab and enter thresholds for the following:
Days Scheduled in a Week - Managers can enter a minimum and maximum number of days in a week an employee can be scheduled.
Hours Scheduled in a Week - Managers can enter a minimum and maximum number of hours in a week an employee can be scheduled.
Hours Scheduled in a Day - Managers can enter a maximum number of hours in a day an employee can be scheduled.
In the example above, a manager will be informed if he/she attempts to schedule this employee fewer than 3 or more than 6 shifts within a week, fewer than 12 or more than 24 hours in a week, more than 7 hours in a day, and/or schedules two shifts within less than 10 hours from each other.
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