Feature 1 | Feature 2 | Feature 3 | Feature 4 |
Update to User Access Pages for E-Sign & Onboarding Permissions The user access screens, where permissions are set, has been updated with a new section specifically for E-Sign and Onboarding related user permissions |
Lieu Hours Included in Actual Hours for Overtime Calculations The ability to include paid breaks in the total 'Actual' hours in the calculation of overtime and lieu hours
TRONC2 Export for Employee TRONC Rates A new export has been made available in the TRONC2 module to export employees current TRONC rates |
Multiple Employment Pay Rate Batch CSV Upload Multiple Employment Pay Rate values can now be updated via Batch CSV Upload |
Release date for all features: October 24th 2024
Update to User Access Pages for E-Sign & Onboarding
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
A new 'Onboarding & E-Sign Documents' section has been added to the User Access Summary page, to contain the related permissions settings.
Reason for the Change
With an ever-growing list of permissions to navigate and assign, this helps make these particular settings easier to locate.
Customers Affected
All customers using the HR module.
Release Note Info/Steps
The Onboarding and E-Sign-related permissions have been moved from 'Administration' to a new section on the User Access Summary page. There has been no change to how these permissions function.
To see this change, navigate to the user access page by going to:
- HR Module > Users > Assign User Access > Find and Select Employee
- This will land the user on the User Access Summary page showing permissions assigned, or not assigned. Scroll down to the new Onboarding & E-Sign Documents section
Fig.1 - New Onboarding & E-Sign Documents Permission Section (User Access Summary page)
These settings will remain in the same location when editing the user permissions (by selecting User Profile from the top-right corner).
Lieu Hours Included in Actual Hours for Overtime Calculations
- Enabled by default? - No
- Set up by customer admin? - Yes
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes
What's Changing?
Subject to a Global Setting being enabled, the overtime and lieu hours calculation can now include Lieu Hours used as part of the 'Total Worked' hours.
Reason for the Change
Following feedback and to allow flexibility, this change will allow the choice of whether lieu hours are included as part of worked hours for overtime and lieu hours calculations.
Customers Affected
All customers using the HR & Rota modules.
Release Note Info/Steps
Important: The inclusion of lieu hours in the total actual hours is for the overtime and lieu hours calculations only. This change does not impact other calculations and functions, such as holiday calculations.
A new Global Setting has been added:
- Go to Rotas > Administration > Global Settings > Edit Rota Settings
- Tick the box against Include Lieu Hours into Worked Hours for Overtime Calculations
- Then Save
Fig.2 - New Global Setting
If instead of Overtime, the portal is using the Lieu Hours functionality then once the new Global Setting is enabled, any lieu hours values will now be included in the Total Actual Hours. Using the 'Additional Payments' screen when submitting a schedule/rota, this can be seen by comparing the new setting switched on and off:
- This example employee has a total of 5 shifts of 9 hours each, totalling 45 hours
- In the same rota week, 5 lieu hours were taken
- With the setting on, actual hours is 45 worked hours + 5 lieu hours, totalling 50 actual hours.
- The employee's contracted hours is 30, meaning 20 hours of lieu hours is calculated
- A message will be displayed to the user informing them of the inclusion of Lieu Hours in Actual Hours (Fig.3)
Fig.3 - Lieu hours calculation, new setting ON
- This example employee has a total of 5 shifts of 9 hours each, totalling 45 hours
- In the same rota week, 5 lieu hours were taken (but not included)
- With the setting off, actual hours is 45 worked hours, totalling 45 actual hours
- The employee's contracted hours is 30, meaning 15 hours of lieu hours is calculated
- A message will not be displayed to the user informing them of the inclusion of Lieu Hours in Actual Hours (Fig.4)
Fig.4 - Lieu hours calculation, new setting OFF
TRONC2 Export for Employee TRONC Rates
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
A new export has been made available in the TRONC2 module which details all employees' TRONC2 rates as they are currently set in the customer portal.
Reason for the Change
Following customer feedback, it was found that there was no method of detailing every TRONC2 rate for employees by way of a report/export.
Customers Affected
All customers using the TRONC2 module.
Release Note Info/Steps
Please note: This export does not detail TRONC2 rates entered or adjusted in an actual TRONC Period. It only details set rates in particular areas of the portal, which are detailed below.
To run the export, go to:
- TRONC2 Module > Reports > Exports
- Select the Employee TRONC2 Rates export:
The export has the following search criteria:
- Location: Select All, or any location to run the export for.
- Fund Name: Select All, or any fund to run the export for however as a specific fund can only be selected if a specific location has been selected.
- Include Former Employees: Ticking this box will include former employees, with the ability to add a date to only include former employees from a certain date
When ready, select Run Export:
Fig.5 - Running the Employee TRONC2 Rates export
Once the export has run, open it in MS Excel and the export will look like this:
Fig.6 - Output of the Export
The column headers are as follows:
- Employee Number: The employee's employee number
- Employee Name: The employee's name
- Employee Location: The location where the employee is employed
- Employee Division: The division the employee is employed to work in
- Employee Job Title: The employee's Job title
- Current/Former: The employee's employment status
- Termination Date: If the employee is 'Former', their termination date
- Fund Name: The TRONC fund the employee is assigned to (this can be multiple which will result in a separate row for each fund the employee is in)
The next three column headers are the different locations within the portal where the TRONC rates are stored:
- Employment Details Tronc Rate: The TRONC rate that is set within the employee's Employment Details page, which can be found by going to HR module > Employees > Employee List > Employee > find and select Employee > Employment Details
- Job Title Tronc2 Rate: The TRONC rate that is set within the employee's Job Title, which can be found by going to HR > Company Admin > Job Titles
- Employee Rate in TRONC2 Module: This is the TRONC rate that is set within a fund, which can be found by navigating to TRONC2 Module > Administration > Fund Administration > Select Fund > Assign Divisions > Employee TRONC Rates
Multiple Employment Pay Rate Batch CSV Upload
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes
What's Changing?
The HR module has been updated to allow the upload of a CSV file to batch update the Pay Rate field in employee multiple employment records.
Reason for the Change
Fourth is currently working on a larger initiative to expand the amount of data that can be imported by a user, with the pay rate of a multiple employment being one of them. This will be of great value when the National Minimum Wage/Living Wage increases each year meaning the updating of pay rates is required.
Customers Affected
All customers using the HR Module who make use of the Multiple Employment functionality.
Release Note Info/Steps
To complete a Multiple Employment Pay Rate batch upload:
- From the side menu, go to HR > Employees > Employee Batch Update and select New Batch Upload From CSV
Please note: As shown, there are two buttons - Batch Upload From CSV and New Batch Upload From CSV. This is due to the new batch upload functionality being developed using newer and more innovative technology. As of this release, the 'Report To' and 'Carry Over Holiday' Batch CSV Uploads remain under Batch Upload From CSV with the intention to migrate them to the newer version in the near future. Having the two separate buttons is a temporary measure.
Fig.7 - New Batch Upload From CSV
- Use the Upload Type drop-down and select Multiple Employment Pay Rate
Please note: A message will appear below this box. The message is to mitigate any misleading that this upload will change anything regarding Multiple Employment outside of the pay rate. Apart from the pay rate, Multiple employment records cannot be changed, started or stopped via this upload.
- Then select Download CSV Template and open the template in Microsoft Excel
Fig.8 - Multiple Employment Pay Rate Batch CSV Upload
- The template will look like this, with the following column headers:
Fig.9 - Multiple Employment Pay Rate Upload Template
- MultipleEmploymentID - the system ID of the employee's multiple employment(s).
- EmployeeNumber - the employee number of the employee
- FullName - the full name of the employee
- MELocation - the location of the employee's multiple employment
- MEDivision - the division of the employee's multiple employment
- MEJobTitle - the job title of the employee's multiple employment
- MEStartDate - the start date of this multiple employment for the employee
- MEEndDate - the end date of this multiple employment for the employee
- CurrentHourlyRate - hourly rate, as it is before the change of the employee's multiple employment
- NewHourlyRate - what the user wants the hourly rate to be updated to in the employee's multiple employment. This is the only field that will change anything regarding a multiple employment
- EffectiveDate - This is the date that the hourly rate change will take effect
- To aid with compiling and adding the data to this template, users can run the ME Report from the HR Module. MultipleEmploymentID was recently added to this export in preparation for this new Batch CSV Upload option.
- This export can be located by going to HR > Reports > Exports > ME Report
- Configure the export criteria and select Run Export
Fig.10 - ME Report in HR
The ME Report will look like this when opened in Excel:
Fig.11 - ME Report in Excel
- The data can be transferred directly by copying the data from each column from the ME Report into the Multiple Employment Batch CSV Upload templates column headers of the same name
- Alternatively, in the ME Report, delete columns Main Location (Column G), Main Division (Column H), Main Job Title (Column I) and Current Hourly Pay/Shift Pay/Salary (Column M) and then copy everything (excluding the headers) from the ME Report to the Multiple Employment Batch CSV Upload template
Excluding the columns deleted above, the column headers are in the same order between the two.
Whichever method is followed, and data has been transferred, the template will look like this:
Fig.12 - ME Pay Rate Batch CSV Upload Template following data transfer from ME Report
- Add in a New Hourly Rate in column J and an Effective Date
Fig.13 - Completed ME Pay Rate Batch CSV Upload Template
- Save the template, ensuring it remains as a CSV file type
- Return to HR > Employees > Employee Batch Update and select New Batch Upload From CSV
Load in the template saved earlier, and select an If Validation Errors Occur option:
- Cancel Upload - Even if just one error, the entire file will not upload and be cancelled
- Continue with Upload - All successful records in the template will load into the system and update the ME Pay Rate, whilst all unsuccessful ones will not
- Select Upload
Fig.14 - Template loaded, ready to upload
Once the upload has been processed, a table will be displayed within the same page, detailing the status of each change in the upload.
Fig.15 - File Upload Record Status
- If a row was successful, then it will state 'Record Processed Successfully' under 'Status'
- If a row was unsuccessful, then it will state 'Record Validated with Errors' under 'Status'
- For any records that errored then the reason will be presented under 'Error Description'
- Corrections should be made to the erroneous data and the upload reattempting, noting that if Continue With Upload option was selected, then successful records will process and update the pay rate in an employee's multiple employment and if recompleting the upload, the successful records should be excluded. If Cancel Upload was selected then they will not process, and even successful records should be included in the re-completed upload
When an upload has been done, and the results table presented, there are filtering options in the column headers on certain employees, used to filter out successful or unsuccessful records as well as filters on each error description:
Fig.16 - Results Table Filtering
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