Feature 1 | Feature 2 |
New capability to send more than one E-Sign Document in a batch |
Multiple Employment ID Added to Multiple Employment Export A new 'Multiple Employment Number' column has been added to the ME Report |
Release date for both features: August 8th 2024
Batch Send E-Sign Documents
- Enabled by default? - Yes, if E-Sign Documents is enabled
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
The ability to send E-Sign Documents in batches of more than one document has been implemented
Reason for the Change
To further enhance the E-Sign Documents functionality in the HR module, which previously only allowed sending an E-Sign document one at a time.
Customers Affected
All customers using the HR module, with E-Sign Documents functionality enabled.
Release Note Info/Steps
Important: Before using the E-Sign Batch Admin functionality, the E-Sign Documents functionality must be enabled with all prerequisites detailed in the E-Sign Documents Release Note completed. Please be sure to familiarise yourself with the 'Single Send' E-Sign functionality before using the Batch Admin functionality.
Important: Currently, there is no maximum number of e-sign documents that can be sent in a single, or multiple, batches from a Fourth perspective. However, any limits imposed by DocuSign must be considered. Review the agreement with DocuSign or contact DocuSign to understand if the DocuSign account(s) that may be used have any envelope limits.
- Access to E-Sign Batch Admin
- Creating an E-Sign Batch
- Deleting an E-Sign Batch
- Sending an E-Sign Batch
- Tracking E-Sign Documents Sent via a Batch
- Batch Creation & Batch Send Benchmarks
Access to E-Sign Batch Admin
For a user to have access to the E-Sign Batch Admin functionality, three permissions need to be set.
- Go to HR > Users > Assign User Access > find and select the User > User Profile
- Under the 'Administration' section, enable E-Sign Document Templates and for E-Sign Documents, select Full Access
Fig.1 - User Access Permissions for E-Sign Functionality
- Then, under 'HR Administration', enable the permission HR Administration (Use With Caution)
Fig.2 - HR Administration Access Permission
- Scroll down and Save
Important: The reason for this permission to be assigned is that the E-Sign Batch Admin functionality requires the user to be able to access any employee, with any job title, employment type and contract type as well as any location. Please continue to use this permission with caution and only have this assigned to users who already have the permission set or are allowed to have it.
Creating an E-Sign Batch
To access the E-Sign Batch Admin page, go to:
- HR > Administration > Document Management > E-Sign Batch Admin
Fig.3 - E-Sign Batch Admin Location
The Batch List page will then open.
- Select Create New Batch
Fig.4 - E-Sign Batch Admin, Batch List
This will display a list of E-Sign templates that have been created in HR (see here for guidance on creating templates).
- Click Select on the template that will be sent in a batch
Fig.5 - Template Selection
- Next, search for and select the employees to be included in the batch submission by using the Send Document tick boxes
Select/Deselect All buttons are also available - Then select Add To Batch
Important: Use the Add To Batch button for all selections before advancing through each page of employees, or changing any search filters (Job Title, Location, etc). This will ensure that all employee selections are saved and added to the batch.
Fig.6 - Employee selection for a Batch
As employees are selected and added to the batch, they will appear at the top of the list.
Fig.7 - Employee List ordered to show selected employees at the top
- To only view employees that have been selected for the batch, select View Selected
Fig.8 - View Selected Employees Button
The list will update and show only those employees selected for the batch.
- To remove a selected employee, untick their Send Document box and select Update Batch
Fig. 9 - Selected Employees for Batch
- When all required employees are selected, use the Create Batch button
Fig.10 - Selected employees, 'Create Batch'
- Select OK to proceed
Fig.11 - Batch Creation Confirmation
- In the next message that appears, enter a name for the batch (as it will appear on the Batch List page (see Fig.2) and select OK
Fig.12 - Batch Name Confirmation
The Batch List page will then display the created batch with a Status of 'Pending'. This means that the batch is currently being created by the system in preparation to be sent.
Fig.13 - Created Batch in the Batch List, pending
Depending on the size of the batch (see the Benchmarks section), after a time, the Status will update to 'Created', meaning it is ready to send.
Fig.14 - Created Batch in the Batch List, created
- To see the details of the batch, select View
Fig.15 - View Batch Details
This will list all the employees in the batch including their Name, Email, Document Status, Batch Item Status, Status Description and two options to Edit Data (see Fig.16) and Open Document (Fig.18).
Fig.16 - Batch Details
- Selecting Edit Data will display all the field mappings used with the necessary DocuSign template Data Label, similar to the single send functionality. Adjustments to the Mapped Values or Value fields can be made here and confirmed by selecting Update Document
Fig.17 - Edit Field Mappings for DocuSign Data Labels
Please Note: The values and mappings from the DocuSign template will automatically apply to all employees in the batch. If all mapped values show as 'Manual entry' then it is possible that the data labels of those names have never been used and mapped to any mapped values in the system before. It is recommended that a single send of this document template is used before using a Batch send.
When updating an individual employee's mappings within the batch (Fig.17), upon selecting Update Document, it will only update the mappings for that employee.
- Selecting Open Document will open a new tab and show that employee's document details and history, with the ability to View the document before it is sent
Fig.18 - Employee document details, 'View' button
A preview of the document will appear within an iframe.
- To close the page use the Close button located at the top right of the page (Fig.19), but to just close the iframe, select Close at the bottom left (Fig.20)
Fig.19 - Employee Document Preview
Fig.20 - Employee Document Preview - iframe close button
Deleting an E-Sign Batch
Please Note: An E-Sign Batch can only be deleted before it has been sent, where its Status is 'Created'.
- To delete an E-Sign batch, return to the Batch List page (HR > Administration > Document Management > E-Sign Batch Admin) and select Delete against the batch that needs to be removed
Fig.21 - E-Sign Batch Delete Button
The Status will then be updated to 'Pending'.
Fig.22 - E-Sign Batch Delete - Status Update to Pending
When returning to the Batch List page the Batch will then no longer be listed.
Fig.23 - E-Sign Batch Deleted
Sending an E-Sign Batch
- To send an E-Sign Batch, return to the Batch List page and select Send
Fig.24 - Send an E-Sign Batch
The Status will then be updated to 'Pending'.
Fig.25 - Sent E-Sign Batch Status Update - Pending
Depending on the size of the batch (see the Benchmarks section), after a time, the Status will update to 'Sent'.
Fig.26 - Sent E-Sign Batch Status Update - Sent
Upon selecting View, the 'Sent' Status by each employee is shown, to confirm it has been sent to each employee. Any employee errors that are part of the batch will be detailed on this screen
Fig.27 - Status Update, by Employee within a Sent Batch
Please Note: The Document Status being 'Sent' confirms that the request to DocuSign to send the document has been completed. The Batch Item Status confirms that the system has processed the batch send request, which triggers the request to send each document via DocuSign.
Please Note: Once a document has been successfully sent the data can no longer be edited within the document mappings, nor can then the Batch be deleted. At this point, DocuSign will consider the envelope request as chargeable.
Tracking an E-Sign Document Sent Via a Batch
Tracking an E-Sign Document sent via a Batch can be done in two ways:
- With the E-Sign Batch Admin functionality
- With the E-Sign Documents functionality (single send)
To track the status of an E-Sign Document sent via a Batch using the E-Sign Batch Admin functionality,
- Return to the Batch List page (HR > Administration > Document Management > E-Sign Batch Admin), and locate the batch either by searching in the batch list or using the batch name search
- Select View
Fig.28 - View Button of an E-Sign Batch
The status of each document will be updated as and when an employee interacts with the E-Sign Document.
- Sent - the employee has received the E-Sign Document
- Viewed - the employee has received the E-Sign Document and opened it up
- Signed - the employee has received the E-Sign Document and signed it
- Declined - the employee has received the E-Sign Document and declined to sign it
Fig.29 - Different Status updates of individual E-Sign Documents
To track the status of an E-Sign Document sent via a Batch, using the E-Sign Documents functionality (single send),
- Go to HR module > Administration > Document Management > E-Sign Documents
Even when an E-Sign Document is sent via the batch send functionality, it will still be listed in the dashboard of the single send functionality.
- Using the filters and search functionality to see individual employee E-Sign Documents, they will appear and can be viewed
Fig.30 - Different Status Updates of individual E-Sign Documents
Batch Creation & Batch Send Benchmarks
To be able to set expectations of the Batch Creation and Batch Send processing times, please see the benchmarks as of 31/07/2024:
- Creating a Batch- The time to create an individual document as part of a batch takes 2.3 seconds. This means that creating a Batch of 100 E-Sign Documents would take 230 seconds or 3.83 minutes.
Please Note: This process, and the related benchmark above, is defined as when the user has selected all the employees to add to a batch, selected Create Batch, and named it. In the Batch list, the Batch will start as 'Pending' and run the process to create it ready to send with the status updating to 'Created' to confirm the entirety of the Batch has been created.
- Sending a Batch - The time to send an individual E-Sign Document as part of a created batch takes 3 seconds. This means that sending a batch of 100 E-Sign Documents would take 300 seconds or 5 minutes
Please Note: This process, and the related benchmark above, is defined as when the user has selected Send on the required batch. In the Batch list, the Batch will start as 'Pending' and run the process to create it ready to send with the status updating to 'Sent' to confirm the entirety of the Batch has been created.
Important: Whilst both processes above will take the estimated time to process, the user does not have to remain on the page and wait for the process to complete. The user can freely leave the page, or even log out, whilst the process is carried out to completion. Concerning Sending a Batch, each document will be sent one by one, as these are individual requests to DocuSign. If a user were to view the Batch whilst the Batch is sending, they would see each employee Status update to 'Sent', one by one.
No. of Documents | Create Batch (Seconds) | Create Batch (Minutes) | Send Batch (Seconds) | Send Batch (Minutes) |
1 | 2.3 | 0.038 | 3 | 0.05 |
10 | 23 | 0.38 | 30 | 0.50 |
50 | 115 | 1.92 | 150 | 2.50 |
100 | 230 | 3.83 | 300 | 5.00 |
200 | 460 | 7.67 | 600 | 10.00 |
500 | 1150 | 19.17 | 1500 | 25.00 |
1000 | 2300 | 38.33 | 3000 | 50.00 |
Fig.31 - E-Sign Batch Functionality Benchmarking
Multiple Employment Number (ID) added to Multiple Employment Export
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
The ME Report export in the HR Module has been updated to include the Multiple Employment Number (ID).
Reason for the Change
To enhance the export giving more visibility on Multiple Employment details.
Customers Affected
All customers using the HR Module.
Release Note Info/Steps
To find the report go to:
- HR > Reports > Exports > ME Report
Fig.32 - ME Report Export in HR Module
- Select the required search criteria, and then Run Export
- When the export has run, open it in Excel
The Multiple Employment Number (ID) will be displayed in column A.
Fig.33 - Multiple Employment Number (ID) in the Export
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