Select the release feature from the table below to be taken directly to that section of the release note.
Feature 1 | Feature 2 |
The ChatBot has been removed from most pages and limited to specific pages. |
Improved the data between HotSchedules and Fourth Analytics. |
Release date for all features: July 25th, 2024
Limit Chatbot to Home Page
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
- Roles affected: - All users accessing HotSchedules on a web browser.
What's Changing?
The chatbot virtual assistant has been limited to select pages in HotSchedules.
Reason for the Change
The virtual assistant added to HotSchedules in April 2024 initially impeded the user experience on certain like the Scheduler and Report pages. Since then, HotSchedules has limited the virtual assistance to applications under the Home Page menu item, including My Schedule, Auto Pickup and Release, Manage Time Off and others.
Customers Affected
All customers.
Fourth Analytics Daily Files
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
- Roles affected: - All customers using both HotSchedules and Fourth Analytics.
What's Changing?
The tracking mechanism for deleted records has been enhanced to improve a more accurate and reliable data synchronization with Fourth Analytics. Specifically but not limited to the Actual and Forecasted values, including OT(Overtime), Double Time, RTR (real-Time reporting), and Predictability Pay in the DailyRecords file,
Reason for the Change
The Daily Records file compares records with the previous version stored in the HotSchedules database. The new mechanism will compare records with the last version sent to Fourth Analytics, enhancing the ability to track changes to ensure more accuracy.
Customers Affected
All customers using both HotSchedules and Fourth Analytics.
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