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Feature 1 |
ASC Management and Retrieval of HotSchedules Messages Above store users can now oversee and retrieve HS Messages. |
Release date for all features: May 9th, 2024
ASC Management and Retrieval of HotSchedules Messages
- Enabled by default? - No
- Set up by customer admin? - Yes, is an ASC administrator has access to manage ASC users AND already have access to Communications and Store Messages (from the Data Exports tab)
- Enable via support ticket? - Yes
- Affects configuration or data? - No
- Roles affected: - ASC Users
What's Changing?
Above store users possessing the requisite permissions can now oversee and retrieve HS Messages through the newly implemented employee Messages page within the ASC.
Reason for the Change
The Employee Messages page empowers above-s tore users by centralizing access and management of HS Messages across all their locations. Above store users can now independently hide and restore HS Messages, eliminating the necessity for HotSchedules customer service intervention.
Customers Affected
All customers.
Release Note Info/Steps
How to Setup/Enable (access is no enabled by default)
- User must have access to the Communications tab in the ASC
- User must have access to Store Messages on the Data Exports sub-nav in the ASC.
How to Use
- Employee Messages are a sub-nav on the Communications tab.
User must select a single store view.
- Store selection is dependent on the logged in user's node in the hierarchy.
Inline Data Viewer allows for online viewing of a rolling 13 months of HS Messages.
- When Inline Data View is disabled all HS Messages for the selected store and date range will be sent via email.
Enter the date range to be reviewed.
Inline mode allows for viewing HS Messages on the page for the rolling 13 months from the current day.
- Note- Only Near Term messages can be hidden and restores.
- Long Term storage is anything older than 13 months from current day and will generate an export file to the defined email recipients.
Inline mode allows for viewing HS Messages on the page for the rolling 13 months from the current day.
- Select the employee (Near Term/ Inline Data Viewer) or multiple employees (Long Tern/ Export mode). Employees options include active, inactive, and terminated users for the location and date range specified.
- Define (optional) whether or not you want to include any System Level Messages (schedule was posted, time off was approved, etc).
- Define (optional) whether or not you want to include Hidden Messages.
Define (optional) Message direction.
- Any direction
- Sent only
- Received only
- Generate or Update Report.
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