A new way to quickly review, progress and process applications |
Employment details offered to a candidate (location, salary, etc) can now be viewed within 'Application history' |
Release date: February 28th 2024
Quick View Application Review
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
A new 'Quick View' function will allow hiring managers to review applications quickly and progress, shortlist or reject them with the click of a button.
Reason for the Change
To speed up the application review process.
Customers Affected
All UK ATS customers.
Release Note Info/Steps
- To access the Quick View functionality, go to ATS Admin Portal > ATS > Vacancies
- Select a Vacancy and then Quick View
Fig.1 - Vacancy Quick View
Each application with the 'Application Review' status will be available to view in the Quick View screen.
Here, application form answers (on the left side) and CVs (on the right) can be quickly viewed. The CV viewer has tools that can be used to zoom in/out, download or print the CV (see Fig.2).
- To move between the applications, use the arrows as shown in Fig.2
Fig.2 - Quick View Application Review
Progress Candidate
From the Quick View, the candidate can be progressed to the next stage.
- Select Progress from the bottom-right corner
If there are events already created and assigned to the vacancy, they will appear in the pop-up modal so they can be selected and sent to the candidate for booking onto the event.
- To select an existing event, tick the checkbox against the applicable date and time (see Fig.3)
Fig.3 - 'Proceed to next step' pop-up modal
- To create a new event, select the down arrow next to the 'New events' section
- Select the Start date and time and the Interviewer
- Add the Number of slots available and any Notes if required
- Then select Add
Fig.4 - Create new event
The email that the candidate receives when the application is progressed will be available to view and edit, if required.
- To view the email, select the down arrow next to the 'Email to candidate' section (Fig.5)
- Make any changes if necesssary
- To complete this step of progressing the candidate, select Progress
Fig.5 - Email to candidate
Once the candidate has been progressed, a confirmation banner will display at the bottom of the screen to confirm.
Fig.6 - Success confirmation banner
Add to Shortlist
Whilst reviewing applications, it is possible to 'shortlist' a candidate if the hiring manager would like to re-review after they have been through all of the applications.
- To do this, select Add to Shortlist
Fig.7 - Add to Shortlist
When the application has been added to the Shortlist, it will disappear from the To Review section and be added to the Shortlist.
Fig.8 - Shortlisted
Shortlisted applications can be viewed at any point.
- To view the Shortlisted applications, select Shortlisted
From here, applications can be:
- Removed from the Shortlist - they will be added back to the To Review list
- Progressed to the next stage - See Progress Candidate
- Rejected
It is possible for the user to choose to apply the action being taken to all of the applications within the Shortlisted section.
- To apply the action to all shortlisted applications, toggle Apply to all applications in shortlist before the action is taken
Fig.9 - 'Apply to all applications in shortlist'
Reject Candidate
To reject a candidate, select Reject and then one of the 4 options presented:
- Regret - This is the standard 'regret' email that gets sent out to the candidate immediately after the application is rejected
- Regret - no response - This will end the application process for the applicant, but no email will be sent to them
- Regret - talent pool - Once the application is rejected, an email will be sent to the candidate and their details added to talent pool (if they have agreed to be added during their application process)
- Regret - 1 hour delay - This will send the standard regret email an hour after the regret process has occured
Fig.10 - Reject candidate options
- To view or edit the email that will be sent to the candidate, select the down arrow next to 'Email to candidate'
- To complete the Reject action, select Progress
Fig.11 - Regret Email
Once the Reject action has been completed, a confirmation banner will display at the bottom of the screen.
It is possible, while this banner is displayed, to undo the reject action.
- To do this, select Undo in the rejection confirmation banner
Fig.12 - Rejection confirmation banner
Once the rejection has been undone, a new confirmation banner will appear.
Fig.13 - Application reinstated confirmation banner
- To view rejected applicants, select the Rejected list
- To reinstate an rejected application, select Reinstate
Fig.14 - Rejected Applications
When the application is reinstated, a confirmation banner will be displayed at the bottom of the screen
Fig.15 -Application Reinstated confirmation banner
Reinstated applications will be available to review in the To Review list.
Star Ratings
- If Star Ratings are enabled, In each review list, it is possible to give each application a star rating from the bottom-left corner.
Fig.16 - Candidate Star rating
Offer Details in Candidate Application History
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
Details of employment offers will now be available to view within the candidate's Application history.
Reason for the Change
Currently, offer details are not available to view for candidates within the admin portal, adding them to the application history page allows hiring managers to easily see what has been offered.
Customers Affected
All UK ATS customers.
Release Note Info/Steps
- To view the offer details, go to the Candidate's Record > Application History
After an offer has been made, the details of the offer will be recorded and displayed, as shown below.
Fig.17 - Offer details in 'Application history'
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