Released 11.10.2016
New Scheduler is Here in a Limited Release!
April 4 marked the limited release of HotSchedules’ highly anticipated, vastly improved Scheduling tab. The shiny, new interface was developed with the goal of helping you build better schedules - faster! This update is a reflection of extensive customer feedback, user testing, and lots of development hours. We can’t wait to share the many benefits, including the ability to:
- Accomplish more tasks in one screen
- Schedule with more information at your fingertips
- Customize your view with filtering and viewing options galore!
To adequately support our customers in the transition to the new interface, we will roll out new scheduler in phases. About three weeks before your company will begin using the new Scheduling tab, you will receive email notifications and invites to webinars for a demonstration and live question and answer session. If you want to jump in and start learning now, check out the following video and quick guide, otherwise keep an eye out for an email coming soon.
- Watch a demo at your convenience
- Download our handy Quick Guide
New Features & Improvements | Web
New Scheduler - Displaying Shifts
Previously, a schedule’s name would not display on a scheduled shift when viewing that specific schedule, but it was causing confusion for sites using the same name for Schedules and Job Codes. In the example below, Busser appears as the Job Code, followed by the start/end times, and the Job Code’s Location (Fry).
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When viewing the same employee on the Wait Staff schedule, the Busser shift would display “Busser” as the Schedule, followed by the start/end times, the Busser Job Code, and the Location.
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To alleviate confusion, all shifts will now appear with the Job Code listed first, followed by the start/end times, assigned Schedule, and Location (if assigned) regardless of what Schedule is being viewed. However, users are able to personalize their view by selecting which to display in their Settings.
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New Scheduler - Messaging Scheduled Employees
With the Message Scheduled Staff permission, users are now able to send a HotSchedules message to all employees that are scheduled on a selected day.
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Users can access the messaging modal from within the New Scheduler by clicking the Tools menu and then selecting Message Scheduled Staff.
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The modal is also available by clicking ALT+CTRL+M on a PC, or Option+Command+M on a Mac.
Managers are able to change who the message will be sent to by changing the date within the modal, and whoever is scheduled on that day will receive the message. When accessing the messaging modal during the current week, the date in the modal will default to the current day, but can display a different day in the week if the Schedule is filtered by that day. When sending a message to the scheduled staff of a future week, the default date will be the date the week begins on, but can still display a filtered day.
New Scheduler - Updating Quick Tips With Messaging
The Quick Tips modal has been updated to include the keystroke of the new feature mentioned above, so users can find how to send messages to scheduled staff if they forget.
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New Scheduler - Using the Enter Key
Tapping the Enter or Return key on a keyboard while adding a new shift will save the shift and close the modal.
New Scheduler - Employee Information Updates
The option to send an SMS message after clicking an employee’s name in the New Scheduler has been removed, and the date of hire has been added beneath the employee’s phone number. Managers are still able to send a HotSchedules message by clicking the Send Message button.
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Update SMS Privacy Statement and Email Links
Informational updates have been made to the communication process for users choosing to opt-in to the SMS feature.
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