Released 07.07.2016
New Scheduler is Here in a Limited Release!
April 4 marked the limited release of HotSchedules’ highly anticipated, vastly improved Scheduling tab. The shiny, new interface was developed with the goal of helping you build better schedules - faster! This update is a reflection of extensive customer feedback, user testing, and lots of development hours. We can’t wait to share the many benefits, including the ability to:
- Accomplish more tasks in one screen
- Schedule with more information at your fingertips
- Customize your view with filtering and viewing options galore!
To adequately support our customers in the transition to the new interface, we will roll out new scheduler in phases. About three weeks before your company will begin using the new Scheduling tab, you will receive email notifications and invites to webinars for a demonstration and live question and answer session. If you want to jump in and start learning now, check out the following video and quick guide, otherwise keep an eye out for an email coming soon.
- Watch a demo at your convenience
- Download our handy Quick Guide
New Features & Improvements | Web
New Scheduler - Add Schedule - Place Shift in Day Part
The duration of a shift is now taken into consideration when being assigned to Day Parts within the New Scheduler. When more than 50% of a shift falls within the constraints of a Day Part, it will be placed in that particular Day Part. For example:
- If Day Parts are 4:00am - 4:00pm, and 4:00pm - 4:00am, and the shift is from 1:00pm - 8:00pm, it will reside in the PM Day Part since 4 of the 7 hours are in the PM Day Part.
- If Day Parts are 4:00am - 4:00pm, and 4:00pm - 4:00am, and the shift is from 12:00pm - 8:00pm, it will reside in the AM Day Part since the shift begins within the AM Day Part and the hours are evenly distributed between the two Day Parts.
New Scheduler - Saving the Roster Report
Previously, users were not able to save Meal and Break times they entered into the Roster Report of the New Scheduler. Now, as users enter information into the text fields, the report will automatically save, and be updated for all users who can access it.
It’s important to note that if a Meal or Break time is entered for a shift that is then adjusted, but is still eligible for one or the other, the text field will remain, but will not be cleared of any previously-entered information. For example, if an employee was scheduled from 8:00am - 5:00pm, and a manager made a note that the employee should take a Break at 2:00pm, that field will still show 2:00pm even if the shift is adjusted to 8:00pm - 2:00pm.
When a shift is adjusted to no longer be eligible for a Meal or Break, the text field will be removed from the report.
Forecasting Aggregation for manually entered Sales and Guests
Users of Non-Integrated sites who manually enter data into the Labor Proforma II reports can now view the data in the Forecasting tab and within the New Scheduler.
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