Users have the ability to schedule shifts using many different methods. This article is about one method called SmartSelect.
Please note: This article is for the new scheduler interface. If you are not yet using this version of the scheduler, please refer to HS Legacy Articles for more information about that version of the scheduler.
Using SmartSelect to Assign House Shifts
- Navigate using the Scheduling tab
Fig.1 - Navigation
- After selecting the week you would like to schedule for, go to the House Shift Manager at the bottom of the scheduler and find a shift you would like to add to the schedule. Select the shift and then press the S key on your keyboard. This will open up the SmartSelect menu
Fig.2 - SmartSelect menu [select image to enlarge]
- Employees that can be assigned the shift will be listed under Name
- The day the shift was created for will be highlighted in orange. The number of shifts an employee has been scheduled (if they have been scheduled at all) will show under the day they have been scheduled for
- The Hours column will list the employee's hours on the schedule the shift was created for over the hours they have been scheduled overall for that particular week
- The Cost column will show the scheduled labor dollars being spent based on their hours
- The Skill column will show a skill level if one has been assigned
- Selecting the employee's name will assign the shift to them
Fig.3 - Assigning shift [select image to enlarge]
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