The Scheduler provides the tools needed to create schedules efficiently. This article gives a quick overview of the available functions and has links to related articles with more in-depth information.
In the Scheduler, you can create and post each week’s schedules.
Fig.1 - Overview of Scheduler [select image to enlarge]
A - Date Selector
Navigate from week to week using the arrows, or by selecting specific dates.
B - Classic/Smart View
Switch between ClassicView and SmartView with these toggles. SmartView is more spread out than ClassicView but allows for more hands-on interactivity while editing shifts.
Fig.2 - Smart View [select image to enlarge]
C - "i" Information Icon
Hovering over the Information icon will show live updates on the schedule’s status.
Please note: A schedule may be locked for various reasons, and this is a good place to check to see why. See HS Scheduling: Forecast and or Shift Generation Required for reasons your schedule may be locked.
Fig.3 - "i" information icon
D - Filter Schedules
- Select Filter to show schedules filtered by Schedule type, Job, Location, Day Part and Employee Attribute
Fig.4 - Filter Schedules
E - Additional Info/Warnings
Selecting an individual’s name shows more information about them. Selecting a red circle next to a name will show any warnings relating to that individual. See HS Scheduling: Schedule Alerts for more information about schedule alerts.
Fig.5 - More info on employee
Fig.6 - Employee warnings
If they have any notifications, you will be able to hover over the notification to get additional information.
Fig.7 - Employee notifications
F - Manage Assigned Shifts
The main schedule area shows all the shifts that have been assigned, plus availability and request information. Shifts can be managed from here. See HS Scheduling: Creating and Editing Shifts for more information on creating and editing shifts.
Fig.8 - Managing Assigned Shifts
G - House Shift Manager
This shows all House Shifts or unassigned shifts. House Shifts are determined, more often than not, through forecasting the week’s staffing needs. You are easily able to assign House Shifts by selecting the House Shift and using the Smart Select tool.
Fig.9 - House shift manager
H - In-Scheduler Reports
These allow you to analyze crucial data before posting.
Fig.10 - Reports [select image to enlarge]
I - Post Schedule
- When you are ready to post the schedule, select the Post button, and you will be led through a series of checks and balances to ensure the information submitted is accurate
The number of schedules able to be posted appears within a blue circle in the Post button. Schedules are automatically saved within the Scheduler - no need to worry about lost work!
J - Menu Drop-down
The Menu drop-down includes Auto Scheduling, copying and deleting schedules, as well as access to your personal Scheduler settings and Shortcut Key. These settings will only affect your personal account. Each manager can configure their own settings in each of their accounts.
Fig.11 - Menu drop-down
Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts will help you quickly do things like copy shifts, delete shifts, and undo changes. While you are on the Scheduling tab, press the ? key on your keyboard to view a list of all the shortcuts and an attribute guide to explain all the colored cells in the scheduler.
- S – Smart Select Tool. Can be used for House Shifts and to reassign shifts.
- I – Insert. Used to override availability, for example. "I" inserts a house shift directly to a cell.
(Click the house shift, click the cell, and type "I".) - H – Make the shift a House Shift. Send a shift back to the House Manager.
- Delete Key – Delete a shift. Empty a cell.
- Ctrl-Click – Select multiple cells for deleting or housing.
- T – Trade shifts. Swap contents of cells. (Hold ctrl key, press a cell, continue holding the ctrl key, select another cell, let go of all keys and type "T".)
- C – Copy a cell’s contents to the clipboard.
- X – Cut a cell’s contents to the clipboard.
- V – Paste the clipboard’s contents into a cell.
- Z – Undo an action (up to 20)
- Y – Redo an action (up to 20)
- ? – Shows a color key and keyboard shortcuts printable guide
Additional Helpful Links
- Creating and Editing Shifts
- Using the Auto Scheduler
- HS Scheduling: Forecast and or Shift Generation Required
Self-Guided Tutorials
These will prompt you to log into HotSchedules, and then guide you through the process step by step
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