Released 11.28.2017
New Features & Improvements | Mobile
Re-position WebClock Link in Menu
The WebClock menu item on the mobile apps has been moved up in the list so that it resides just above the Settings menu item.
New Features & Improvements | Web
New WebClock
On November 29, 2017, the user interface for WebClock will be enhanced to coincide with the new HotSchedules branding. There are two ways to launch WebClock. The first is to click the quick link on HS Main and then the WebClock option.
The other option to launch WebClock is to navigate to and then enter your HotSchedules credentials.
Please note that the URL for the new interface is different however, navigating to will still redirect you to the correct site.
If you have access to multiple sites, each one that is configured with the WebClock permissions will be available for you to select. This step is necessary so the employees of that particular site can properly clock in and out.
Once the WebClock is launched, employees can use that device to clock in and out for their shifts. The default is to use POS IDs, but by calling Customer Care, you can have your employees clock in with their HotSchedules login credentials.
Once the WebClock is launched, it will remain active until you manually log out (see below) or you clear your cache. This allows more flexibility so you don’t have to be tied to the device to re-launch the WebClock throughout the shift.
Employee Walkthrough
As an employee clocking in, you will be taken to the following screen after entering your POS ID (or HS credentials). If you are assigned multiple Jobs, you will need to click the Please Make a Selection dropdown to clock into the correct Job. If you are only assigned one Job, you will not have the dropdown. Clicking Cancel will take you back to the WebClock screen, and you will have to re-enter your POS ID or HS Credentials.
Please note that if an action isn't taken within 10 seconds, the page will reset to the WebClock screen.
When you clock into a scheduled shift, you will receive a green confirmation message along with the number of hours you have logged for the current week. Clicking Exit will take you back to the WebClock screen so another user can clock in or out. The page will automatically reset to the WebClock screen after 10 seconds.
If you attempt to clock into an unscheduled shift, a warning message will appear, and a manager with the 5002 - WebClock - WebClock Clock In Override permission will need to enter his/her credentials.
The manager will also be required to provide a reason he/she is clocking an unscheduled employee in or out. There is a 140 character limit, but at least one character must be entered including using a space.
Once you are clocked in, whether it be for a scheduled or unscheduled shift, you won't need a manager again to clock in/out for Breaks, Meals, or for the day, however break enforcements are coming in a future Release. When Breaks and Meals are configured for your site at the ASC level, the options associated with the rule you've been assigned will be available once you're clocked in, and you re-enter your POS ID (or HS Credentials). Click here to learn how to configure Meals and Breaks in the ASC.
As with clocking in for the first time, you will be presented with a confirmation screen after each action, and depending on the Meal and Break Rule you've been assigned, it will inform you of when you need to return for each. As with the other confirmation screens, the page will automatically refresh to the WebClock screen after 10 seconds.
When clocking out with a Job that is configured to use tip declaration, you will be required to enter an amount.
Once you click Confirm, you will get the confirmation screen again.
If the Job you're working is not configured for you to declare tips, the clock-out confirmation screen will be slightly different.
Manager Walkthrough
Although anyone with the WebClock permission can launch WebClock, the WebClock - WebClock Administration permission will provide access to the manager screen. With this permission, you can access the screen by using your POS ID (or HS Credentials) the same way an employee would to clock in. Instead of being presented with a screen of clock in/out options however, you will be directed to a page that will list any currently-clocked-in employee, the Job they're clocked in as, and the total number of hours they have worked for the week prior to the current shift. Future Releases will bring enhancements such as total hours in real time and additional filters and clock in/out actions.
To view more information about the employee and the hours he/she has worked, click the expand arrow on the right-hand side of the line. Once expanded, the scheduled start and end times will appear along with the clock-in time for the employee. If you have the WebClock Manager Clock Out permission, you are able to click Clock Out to clock an employee out who has forgotten, or you can click View Hours to view a similar screen as above when viewing your own hours.
If you're clocking out an employee with Job configured with tip declaration, you will need to claim a tip amount on his/her behalf. Once the tip is entered, you will need to confirm you want to clock out the employee.
Once you have clocked the employee out, you will be given a message confirming you have clocked him/her out before being redirected to the manager's screen. The employee you just clocked out will now have a clock out time, and his hours will be updated. The employee's name will be removed from the list when the page is refreshed or navigated away from and back then accessed again.
From the menu in the upper, right-hand screen, you can do the following:
- View Staff - This is the default screen which displays all of the employees who are currently clocked in. In a future Release, you will be able to filter the list to display only clocked in employees and clocked out employees.
- View My Hours - When you, yourself have hours in the business week, you can view what your hours for each shift were.
- If you don't have any hours for the current week, you will not have this option.
- See below for more information.
- Clock In - If you need to clock yourself in, this is how you would do it. Once clocked in, this is where you would go to clock back out, as well as clock out for Meals and Breaks.
- Exit - It is important to remember to use this button if you share your device with your employees as this is the only way to exit from the Manager Screen and be re-directed back to the main WebClock page.
- Turn Off WebClock - WebClock will remain launched until you click this button, or clear your browser's cache. This means that if you work at more than one location, if you close your browser and navigate back to, the last store WebClock was launched for will open, and only the employees of that store will be able to clock in.
When you click View My Hours, you will have access to the hours you have personally worked in the current business week along with the amount of overtime (if any) worked and what that overtime cost.
Each day can be expanded to view the details of the shift worked for that day. Details include clock in/out times, hours worked, labor cost, and tips. The total number of hours for the day will display next to the day (A) while the total hours for each shift will appear on the Clock Out line and on any additional shift worked for that day (B).
When you click Turn Off WebClock, you will be asked to confirm.
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