Released 11.09.2017
Table of Contents
- Special Events
- Employee Thresholds
- Employee Notes
- Disabling Approving Manager Dropdown for Availabilities
- Updated First-Time Login Page
- Consolidated HS Messages and Emails
- Messaging - Updated System-Generated Messages
New Features & Improvements | Web
The new Special Events tool in the Scheduler will be rolling out to customers in phases, and with it you can create specialized shifts that can be added with just the click of a button.
Any previously-created Special Event shifts will be listed within their respective group in the Special Events modal. To view the shifts within, click the drop arrow (A). You can edit or delete a Special Event by clicking the pencil or trash icon (B). To apply the shifts to your schedule, select the day (C) you want them to be applied. Before you can apply the shifts to your schedule however, you will need to choose whether a Special Event shift that matches a current House shift will overwrite the House shift or if it will be added as an additional shift (D).
To create a new Special Event, click Create New. Before you save your event, you will need to name it (A), and create your shifts. It’s important to know that you must click Add Shift after creating each one. In the example below, clicking Save will result in one shift being created for the Car Wash Fundraiser event even though the fields are configured for a different time.
Once you apply the shift to your schedule, they will appear in the House Shift Manager. Special Event shifts will be white with an orange top border to differentiate them from the all-orange House shifts.
Once assigned, the orange top border will remain so you can differentiate a Special Event shift from a standard one, but any shift that is eligible for a Meal or Break will still be accompanied with a blue dog ear tag.
You can assign Special Event shifts to employees in the same manner you assign House shifts - either by clicking and dragging or by clicking a shift in the House Shift Manager, selecting a cell in the Scheduler, and then tapping the I key on your keyboard.
Once a House shift is assigned, you can assign it elsewhere by either dragging it to another day or employee, or by selecting the assigned shift, tapping the X key on your keyboard, selecting another empty cell in the Scheduler, and tapping the V key on your keyboard (Think CTRL+X to cut and CTRL+V to paste). When you’re in ClassicView, re-assigning a Special Event shift is slightly different. Because the shift was intended for a specific day, you are only able to move it within the same day.
When Special Event shifts are applied and you attempt to copy the schedule, you will be given the option to copy the Special Event shifts as well. From the Copy Shift modal, the Special Event from the “Source Week” will be listed, and you can choose to check the corresponding box to have the shifts applied to the “Target Week.”
All other behaviors of Special Event shifts remain the same as standard shifts, so you can still use use the H key on your keyboard to re-house a Special Event shift, or click the Backspace or Delete buttons to delete an unwanted shift.
The Employee Thresholds tool will be rolling out to customers in phases, and with the permission to configure Employee Schedule Thresholds, you can set various schedule thresholds for each of your employees through the updated Availability/Thresholds tab on their profile in the Staff List.
If an employee’s schedule and/or scheduled shifts violates any of the configured thresholds, the Scheduler will inform the scheduling manager. To create a Schedule Threshold, simply navigate to the bottom of the tab and enter thresholds for the following:
- Days Scheduled in a Week - Managers can enter a minimum and maximum number of days in a week an employee can be scheduled.
- Hours Scheduled in a Week - Managers can enter a minimum and maximum number of hours in a week an employee can be scheduled.
- Hours Scheduled in a Day - Managers can enter a maximum number of hours in a day an employee can be scheduled.
- Hours Between Scheduled Shifts - Managers can enter a minimum number of hours that must be between scheduled shifts.
- Be aware that “Min” of this section refers to minimum hours and not minutes.
In the example above, you would be informed if you attempted to schedule this particular employee fewer than 3, or more than 6 days within a week, fewer than 12, or more than 24 hours in a week, more than 7 hours in a day, and/or schedule two shifts within less than 10 hours from each other.
Note: You will always be able to enter a new set of thresholds, but in order to edit fields that have already been saved, you will need to click the “+” button to create a new Effective Date.
In the Scheduler, violating these rules will create a warning with the number of violations within. Clicking the warning will reveal what violations occurred and on what day it will happen. For a violation that spans two weeks (Hours Between Scheduled Shifts), the warning will appear on both weeks.
When using the Auto-Scheduler, selecting the Honor employee schedule thresholds option will prevent the tool from assigning threshold-violating shifts.
The Employee Notes tool will be rolled out to customers in phases, and with the necessary permissions, can easily be accessed from the Employee Notes tab of an employee’s profile in the Staff List. The author of the note and the time it was created will be displayed as well.
Employee Notes allow managers to leave notes that are specific to individual employees for better communication on items that only affect those employees. For example, if Barry and Carlin carpool to work, having a note attached to each of their names makes it easier for all managers to be aware of their scheduling needs when assigning them shifts.
An Employee Note label will be appended to any employee with an Employee Note associated with his/her account in the Scheduler.
To view the Employee Note from the Scheduler, click the employee’s name, and select the Employee Notes tab. The author of the note and when it was created will display here as it does in the Staff List.
When there are multiple notes for an employee, they will appear in reverse chronological order, so the newest note will always appear at the top of the list. This is similar behavior to how Day Notes appear in the Scheduler.
Please note that any user with the Staff - Create Employee Notes permission can view and remove Employee Notes, but only the authors of a note can edit it.
Disabling Approving Manager Dropdown for Availabilities
Sites can now have its employees submit their new availability to any manager with the Staff - Edit Employee Availability permission. By contacting Customer Care, a backend adjustment can be made which will remove the manager-select dropdown on web and mobile and will send an HS Message to all managers with the Staff - Edit Employee Availability permission.
The first-time login pages have been updated to match the color scheme found throughout the rest of the site.
Consolidated HS Messages and Emails
Previously, when schedules were posted at the same time (in New Scheduler), employees received an HS Message for each posted schedule, and if they configured their preferences to receive an email, separate emails were also sent. Now, when multiple schedules are posted at the same time by the same user, employees will receive one all-encompassing HS Message and subsequently, one email notification. When schedules are posted at different times, employees will receive individual HS Messages and emails.
Messaging - Updated System-Generated Messages
A block of text has been removed from several system-generated emails and HS Messages which explains the user-preference process.
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