Released 09.28.2017
New Features & Improvements | Mobile
Roster Report Day Notes
The Release (12.22.2016) introduced the ability to leave Day Notes on specific days while in the Scheduler. Now the notes can be viewed in the Roster Report on the mobile apps. Any day with a note attached will contain a green message icon. If you tap the icon, the message will be revealed along with who composed it, and when it was submitted.
New Features & Improvements | Web
ASC - Actual vs. Scheduled Report Week Total
As an Above Store Console user, you can now compare a week’s total (instead of just the Daily Summary) of scheduled and actual hours or dollars for a desired store, or group of stores, in the Actual vs. Scheduled report. When configuring the report, simply select Week total at current level from the Type of Report dropdown.
Scheduler - Scheduling Meals and Breaks
As an Above Store Console user with the ability to create Meal and Break Rules, you now have the option to have the Scheduler at each location automatically insert times Meals and Breaks should be taken. To enable this feature, simply navigate to the Meal & Break Planning subtab of the Configuration tab of your ASC account.
You will then be presented with a list of your Rule Sets. By clicking on one, each rule for the set will be displayed. To have the Scheduler of each store the Rule Set is assigned automatically create Meal and Break times for each eligible shift, simply check the Apply Meals/Breaks to Shifts checkbox and Save at the bottom of the screen.
You can easily see which stores are assigned a Rule Set by clicking the Stores tab. The hierarchy of stores within will also list the Rule Set each is currently assigned.
As a scheduling manager of a store with an assigned Rule Set, times for Meals and/or Breaks will be automatically applied to eligible shifts. In the example below, a rule was configured to create a recurring, 30-minute Meal after 5 hours, and a recurring, 10-minute Break after 4 hours. This means that we want a Meal and Break to be taken before the employee hits those 4 and 5-hour marks. With that being said, for an 8-hour, 8:00am - 4:00pm shift, a 10-minute Break was created at 10:00am, a 30-minute Meal was created at 12:00pm, and a second 10-minute Break was created at 2:15pm. Each Meal and Break has its own configurable field, or you can click and drag the vertical, dark blue Breaks and light blue Meals.
Without getting into the exact science involved, Meals are always created first, and depending on eligibility for Breaks, they are generally placed in between the start of the shifts and the start of the Meals and/or between the end of the Meals and the end of the shifts. For shifts eligible for two Meals, the Breaks usually fall right in the middle of the end of the first Meal and the beginning of the second Meal.
What about two identical shifts? All Meals and Breaks are created on a per-shift basis, so it is up to you to make any necessary changes. Switching over to the SmartView makes this process easier to view when Meals and Breaks were created and which ones will overlap.
By clicking the Backspace and Delete keys on your keyboard, you can remove a created Meal and/or Break. In a future Release, doing so may result in receiving a warning if a shift was created that would violate the Meal & Break Planning rules created at the Above Store level.
To further simplify things for you, when you copy a schedule, you will have the option to copy Meal/Break edits as well so you won’t have to make the same changes over and over.
Scheduler - Default Weeks
As a scheduling manager, you can customize the default week you land on when navigating to the Scheduling tab. To set your default week, simply click Settings from the Tools menu.
From the Default Scheduler Week dropdown, select the week in relation to the current week you want to land on each time you navigate to the Scheduling tab. In other words, if you usually have two weeks of schedules posted at any given time, you would want your default to be “2 Weeks Ahead.”
Scheduler - Maintaining Your Place in the Scheduler
Previously, it was too easy to accidentally edit an unwanted area of the schedule if you were to navigate away from the tab and then go back. For example, let’s say you were editing the schedule for two weeks in the future, but you decide to check your messages halfway through. The previous behavior of the site when you navigate back to the Scheduling tab was to take you to the current week. Now, as long as you stay logged in, your place in the Scheduler will be saved. Coupled with the feature above, only by logging out will you land on the your default week when logging back in and navigating to the Scheduling tab. If you are timed out and you need to log back in, your place in the Scheduler will be held.
API - Labor Budget Service
With the correct permissions, sites can now SET and GET their Labor Budgets through a new Labor Budget API.
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