Released 08.03.2017
New Features & Improvements | Web
ASC - Customizable Notifications
As an Above Store Console user with the Access to Above Store Configuration tab - Notifications permission, you are able to configure when notifications are delivered to managers and employees at selected stores who have notifications enabled for Late Clock In/Out and Break Eligibility. The ability to configure Overtime and Minor Alert notifications will be available in a future Release.
To view and configure when notifications will be sent, click the Notifications sub-tab of the Configure tab in the ASC.
A system-created set of default notifications is automatically assigned to all sites in the hierarchy. The following describes when each notification will be sent when a store is assigned with this set of notifications:
- Late Clock In - A separate notification will be sent to managers and employees 15 minutes after a scheduled in-time when any employee fails to clock in on time.
- Requires a WebClock subscription
- Late Clock Out - A separate notification will be sent to managers and employees 15 minutes after a scheduled out-time when any employee fails to clock out on time.
- Requires a WebClock subscription
- Break Eligibility - A separate notification will be sent to managers 15 minutes before any eligible Meal and/or Break and 15 minutes after any eligible Meal and/or Break.
- Requires at least one site within the company to have WebClock as well as configured Meal & Break Planning rules for the company. Only WebClock sites will receive these notifications.
Clicking the blue link (1) will display which stores have been assigned with the set of notifications. The details of the Default set can be viewed (2) but not edited.
To add a new set of notifications that are delivered at a customized interval, click Add Notifications.
Each new set must be named using at least 3 characters (1). Check the box next to the notification you want to configure (2) and enter when it should be delivered to its target audience. Once notifications are configured to your liking, select the stores (3) you want assigned with these rules and click Save.
The new set will appear on the Notifications landing page and will display what notifications were configured. From here, you have the option to edit or delete it.
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