Released 12.22.2016
New Features & Improvements | Mobile
Badge Preferences
A new section has been added to the Notifications screen of the iOS app entitled Badge Preferences, and the New Message toggle has been moved to within it. Enabling the toggle will add a badge to the app’s icon on the home screen of the iOS device when a new HotSchedules message is received. This has already been implemented for Android.
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Disabled Email Preferences
iOS users who don’t have an email address registered to their account will no longer have the ability to interact with the Email Preferences located in the Notification Preferences within Settings. The toggles will still display, however they will be grayed out with instructions to register an email address to enable them. This has already been implemented for Android.
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New Features & Improvements | Web
Groups of Blocked Days
Managers are now able to create a group of blocked days at one time from the Manage Time Off subtab of the Home tab.
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By clicking Create Block Day on the following page, users will be presented with the Create Block Day modal where they can select a range of dates.
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When submitting Time Off, Blocked Days will be grayed out from employees being able to select in the Create Time Off or Request modal.
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New Scheduler - Saving Schedule Filters
Performance enhancements have been made to how filters in the Scheduler save.
New Scheduler - Day Notes
Several visual improvements have been made to the New Scheduler interface including the format for each day’s date and the inclusion of an orange bar on the current day.
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In addition to the visual improvements, managers are now able to add a note to a specific day by clicking the message icon on the day for the intended note to reveal a Memos modal.
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The Release (11.10.2016) introduced the ability to message scheduled employees from the Tools menu, but a Message Staff option is now available from the Memos tab as well. With Schedule Note selected, managers can add their memo by clicking Add Note.
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Once added, the message icon will be green to let other managers know there is a note attached.
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Managers can add to each other’s notes, and each added note will appear in reverse chronological order, so the most recent post will be at the top of the list of notes.
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Day Notes can also be viewed for each day on the Scheduler’s Roster Report by checking the Show Day Notes box, and scrolling to the bottom of the report.
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New Scheduler - Roster Report Behavior
Clicking the Roster Report from the Classic View in the New Scheduler will now reveal the report based on the day selected in the Scheduler. For example, if a customer’s week runs from Sunday to Saturday, but the manager has clicked Wednesday before accessing the Roster Report, the report will show Wednesday’s information instead of whatever the current day is as it was previously configured.
New Scheduler - Custom Rotations
With the necessary permissions, users are able to create multiple Rotations for a single schedule, and can then select the Rotation they wish to use while in the Old Scheduler. Now, users of the New Scheduler with the Location Rotation permissions have the option to select a created Location Rotation as well from the Tools menu.
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New Scheduler - Creating House Shifts Shortcut
Creating House Shifts used to be somewhat of a pain. Users had to create a shift for any user on the day for the intended shift, click the newly-created shift, and then click H on the keyboard to convert the shift to a House Shift. Now, users can use the keyboard shortcut ALT+CTRL+H if on a PC, or ALT+COMMAND+H if on a Mac to display the Create House Shift modal.
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The date currently defaults to the first day of the week, so it’s important to change to the intended date. Users can then click into the time fields or use the clock icon to enter a time. The Location’s drop-down is directly tied to the Jobs field, so selecting a job without locations will not yield any options.
New Scheduler - Limiting Drag and Drop
To improve the drag and drop usability, shifts can only be dragged around within the grouping to which they belong. For example, when grouped by Busser (as both the schedule and job), the shift can only be moved within the Busser “Schedule/Job” grouping. Additionally, shifts that appear within the grouping but belong to another, cannot be dragged, however users can always either double click or use other keyboard shortcuts to edit the details of the shift.
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New Scheduler - Create Shifts in SmartView When Grouping by Schedule/Job
The Release (11.23.2016) introduced the ability to double-click a cell while in SmartView when grouped by Schedule to quickly create a shift. Now, managers are able to do the same when grouped by Schedule/Job.
New Scheduler - Maintain Grouping Selections
Improvements have been made to keep users’ Scheduler groupings intact between sessions and regardless of clearing a browser’s cookies or cache, so managers don’t have to redo it every time they log in.
New Scheduler - Create Template Schedule Permission Behavior
The permission “Create Template Schedule” now will only allow users to apply an already-created template to a schedule, or create a template from an existing schedule. Once a template is created from a schedule, they can apply the template, but won’t be able to edit it. In order to have access to create new, or modify existing templates, users must have the “Template Generator” permission. Users must have both permissions to create, modify, and apply templates to schedules.
Auto-Approving Availability
Any users with both the “Edit Availability” and “Staff Requests for Availability” permissions no longer have to select a manager to approve their availability as it will now be automatically approved.
Search Tool for Automated Reports
Search-tool improvements have been made when creating and assigning Automated Reports in the Above Store Console.
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