Released 04.27.2017
New Features & Improvements | Mobile
Forgot-Login Details Behavior
Improvements have been made to the process iOS users go through when clicking the Forgot Username or Password links. Previously, the links would open a mobile browser, but now all action is done from within the app. This will be available for Android in a future release.
Including Meals on Approvals
The Approvals screen on the mobile apps will now inform managers how many hours employees have before, and would have after approving shift trades and pick-ups based on eligible meals and breaks. For example, if a shift is eligible for a 30-minute meal after five hours, a 9:00am - 5:00pm picked up shift will display with the assumption he/she will be taking a meal, and will will show 7.5 hours.
New Features & Improvements | Web
ASC - User Time Zone Setting
Above Store Console users who have access to editing ASC users can now set Time Zones for particular users. There is no requirement or need to change anything to continue business as usual, and the default time zone will be set to Central Standard since that has always been the setting on the back end. However, users might want to adjust the setting to make things easier on them and their business.
Accurate Time Zones for ASC users are important when posting documents to the Library so other users have a better understanding of when a document was uploaded. The item will be based on the ASC user time zone preference of the user who posted it.
When configuring Automated Reports, users are now able to select a specific time zone that a report will be delivered.
Minor Rules
On Thursday, May 11, ASC users of sites using New Scheduler will be able to configure Minor Rules that are unique to different states and/or provinces so that when managers at the store-level are writing schedules, the Scheduler can provide more accurate labor warnings to prevent violations. In addition, when coupled with the new School Calendars feature in the Staff tab, managers have greater flexibility while adhering to labor laws when scheduling. To create a new Minor Rule, users can hover their mouse over the Configure tab of the ASC, and select Minor Rules.
The landing page will list any previously-created rules. If there aren't any, or if a new one needs to be created, users can click Add Minor Rule.
Each rule can be comprised of multiple Age Ranges. Give the rule a name and click Add Age Range.
The Save button will be disabled on this step if there aren't any Age Ranges defined.
The landing page for configuring Minor Rules will include the following:
- (1) What age range the rule will apply.
- Each Minor Rule can be comprised of multiple Age Ranges. The previous screenshot will display a list of all Age Ranges for the rule
- The first field cannot exceed the second (e.g. 16 to 15)
- If the rule is for one age, the age needs to be entered in both fields (e.g. 15 to 15)
- 18-year-olds are automatically exempted from the rules as that is the standard age for no longer being considered a Minor
- (2) Hours and Day limits (See definition below)
- (3) Start/End times for School Days vs. Non-School Days (See definition below)
- (4) Start/End times for School Days Followed by Non-School Days vs. Non-School Days Followed by School Days (See definition below)
- (5) An option to add Non-Session (Summer Break) Rules (See definition below)
Hours & Day Limits
Users are able to set limits to how many days and hours a minor can work in a week, and how many hours the minor can work per day when the day is followed by a School Day and when it is followed by a Non-School Day. The below screenshot displays the following:
- (1) The maximum number of days a week a minor can work
- (2) The maximum number of hours a week a minor can work
- (3) The maximum consecutive days in a week a minor can work
- (4) The maximum number of hours an employee can work in a day that is followed by a School Day
- (5) The maximum number of hours a minor can work in a day that is followed by a Non-School Day
Times for School & Non-School Days
Admin are able to define how early a shift can begin, and how late a shift can end for minors who are scheduled on School Days versus when they are scheduled on Non-School Days. Any shift that is assigned outside of these parameters will create a flag.
Times for Days Prior to School & Non-School Days
Similar to defining shifts that land on School Days and Non-School Days, this section allows admin to define the earliest time a shift that comes prior to those scenarios can start and the latest it can end. For example, the below screenshot defines that on a School Day which is followed by a Non-School Day (typically Fridays), minors should not be scheduled before 8:00am or stay later than 9:00pm. On a Non-School Day which is followed by a School Day (typically Sundays), minors should not be scheduled prior to 8:00am, or stay later than 9:00pm.
Non-Session Rules
Clicking Add next to Special Non-Session/Summer Rules allows admin to define the Minor Rules for days that aren't considered School Days (i.e. Summer Break). The configuration of these rules are very similar to the Hours and Day Limits configurations in that admin are able to define a maximum number of days and hours a minor should work in a week, the maximum consecutive days in a week, the maximum number of daily hours, as well as the earliest/latest shift times.
Once this particular Age Range is defined, users can click Save to be directed back to the rule of various Age Ranges.
While in a Minor Rule, administrators can assign the rule by clicking the Assign tab. Assigning Minor Rules is somewhat different than assigning other items through the ASC. Instead of having to select each store, or node of stores, users can select states and/or provinces. Currently, the only supported countries available for this feature are the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, and Australia.
SmartSelect & Minor Rules
Once Minor Rules are configured, managers can easily identify which of their employees are minors when using the SmartSelect tool in the Scheduler with the help of the Minor indicator. If a selected shift would cause a minor to violate a configured rule, the minor will not appear in the list of available employees that shift can be assigned to.
Minor Alerts in the Scheduler
A new schedule warning has been added when scheduled minors violate the maximum consecutive days Minor Rule configuration. The warning will appear when the last consecutive day is scheduled, regardless of it being in the same work week as the other days. For example, if the rule in the ASC states that a minor can work a maximum of three consecutive days, the warning will appear when a fourth consecutive day is added. If the consecutive days flow into the following week, the first day in the sequence will be highlighted.
As with other Scheduler notifications, Minor alerts can be turned off by navigating to the Settings area of the Tools menu.
School Calendars
On Thursday, May 11, users of sites using the New Scheduler with the Staff - Edit School Calendars permission will have access to the new School Calendars sub-tab of the Staff tab, which will allow them to configure which days are "school days" and which days are recognized holidays based on various school districts in the area. Managers will then be able to assign minors to a specific calendar so they will receive more accurate notifications when writing schedules. It should be noted however, that if a minor is not assigned to a school calendar, managers will receive warnings based on the In Session (or school days) rules configured for that particular minor’s age range. To get started, users can click Add to add a new calendar.
Users are required to name their calendars before they can continue, and all weekends are highlighted in blue default.
Users can simply click and drag over the days when school will not be in session.
When three consecutive weeks (21 days) are defined as non-school days, the feature will mark the sequence as a Non Session, and the rules configured for Non Session (i.e. Summer Break) days will apply until there is at least one break in the marked non-school days. Once all non-school days have been marked for the year, users can then click Next to start assigning minors to the calendar. Employees are marked as minors based on their birth dates, and all minors who have yet to be assigned to a school calendar will display in the dropdown.
The Employee Information Center in the Scheduler will reveal what school calendar an employee is assigned, and can be changed to another configured calendar from the dropdown.
For customers already using the New Staff List Details feature, managers can also assign employees to calendars from the Staff tab.
Once calendars have been created and employees have been assigned, navigating to the School Calendars sub-tab will display each calendar and who is assigned to each. There will also be an alert with the number of unassigned minors; hovering the mouse over the alert will display who still needs to be assigned.
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