Administrators can customize the Sterling process to reflect if your company runs background checks on minors. If you do, the workflow automatically presents the parental consent as part of the process. If you do not, then you will be able to hire the minor without running a background check.
If background checks for minors are active for your organization and a minor applies to your organization, they are emailed a parental consent form that must be completed with a wet signature and uploaded in order for the background check to be run.
Open the Candidate's record and click on the Background Checks tab.
Until the parental consent form is received, the manager is blocked from running the background check and told consent is needed. If the manager chooses to remove the consent, while it is waiting to be completed and updated, it will be permanently deleted.
Once the consent document has been received, the manager uploads it under the Background Checks tab of
the Candidate record by selecting Options. Choose Upload Parental Consent and follow the prompts to upload the file.
Once the document is uploaded, initiate the background check as you normally would.
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