Managers and Administrators can view applicants from the Applicants Dashboard.
To view applicants
- Select WorkSpaces
- Under your organization's name, select Administrator
Fig.1 - Administrator Workspace
- The Administrator WorkSpace or Home tab will appear. Select Applicants
Fig.2 - Legacy view accessing applicants |
Fig.3 - Beta view accessing applicants |
- Applicants will display
- The Applicant Name displays on the left
- The Positions applied to display in the middle
- Symbols display on the right; hover over the symbol for more information
- The Dollar Sign symbol represents Tax Credit status
- The Job Fit symbol in green, yellow, or red represents Personality Assessment status
- The Attitude symbol in green, yellow, or red represents Attitude Assessment status
In Applicants, you can:
Apply filters
Including Availability or Advanced, to narrow down your search of Applicants. Select Clear All filters if no longer needed. Also see: PeopleMatter: Managers: How do I Filter Applicants?
Under Advanced filters, you will see Date Applied
- Only the last 30 days of applicants will be pulled by default
- We have replaced the time range search option with predetermined options: today, 7 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 180 days, and 365 days.
Fig.4 - Legacy view applicant search and filter
Fig.5 - Beta view applicant search and filter
View the applicant record in the legacy view
- Hover over an applicant's record so the Quickview button appears. Select Quickview to view a preview of the applicant's record
- Select on the Applicant's Name to open the Applicant's Record
Fig.6 - Legacy view accessing applicant record
View the applicant record in the beta view
- Select an applicant's name to open up the Quickview panel.
- Select the three dots on the applicant Quickview and select view applicant record to open the full applicant record.
Fig.7 - Beta view accessing applicant record
Try the Beta Experience by toggling at the top of your page, find out more about the redesign here > PeopleMatter Redesign.
Fig.8 - Beta view toggle
- Once in the new Applicant Tracking Workspace, Users will notice the following updates:
- Bulk or Individual actions (Remove or Make Candidates)
- Location displayed directly on the Applicant information
- Improved filter design and more user-friendly functionality
Video Guide
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