This article outlines everything needed to set up multi-currency in Inventory and internationalisation of a customer portal. Enabling the portal, allowing users access to creating currencies, allocating currencies to units and enabling purchasing in multi-currency are all covered.
Enabling Multi-Currency
To enable multi-currency, the following Global Settings must be configured:
- Base currency
- Show internationalization configuration
- Supports multi currencies
- Go to Setup > All Options > Global Settings
- Use the Module drop-down and select Core
- Drill down into Organisation Default Settings > DEFAULT SUB TYPE

Fig.1 – Currency Global Settings
To apply the settings:
- Scroll down and select Edit View
- Use the green Edit button and apply the settings:
- Base currency - should be set to be the currency the customer wishes to have their core and consolidated reporting shown in. If setting up a portal in Ireland for example, then the base currency should be set to Euro
- Show internationalization configuration – must be set to Yes (ticked)
- Supports multi currencies - If the same customer has sites in the UK too and wants to see GBP at these sites then this must be set to Yes (ticked)
- Select Save once complete

Fig.2 – Enabling the Supports multi currencies Global Setting
Please note: for portals created for customers outside of the UK, Great Britain Pound (GBP) will always be set up and should not be removed as a currency from the portal. The applicable currency should be made the Base currency. If GBP is removed, it will not be possible to log in to the portal.
Enabling Users' Access to Manage Multi- Currency
To enable a user to manage multi-currencies:
- Go to Sys Configuration > All Options > Roles
- Use the Module drop-down and select Core
- Select a Role from the list and then go to the Role Functionalities tab
- Search (Ctrl+F) for the word “currency” and ensure the following five permissions shown in Fig.3 are enabled

Fig.3 Settings for users to manage multi-currency
Please note: the Currency Conversions permission has options to Create, Edit, and Archive/Delete.
- Choose the user’s access as required but note that Create and Edit must both be enabled to allow the user to create conversions
Creating Multiple Currencies
To set up alternative currencies to the organisational base currency:
- Go to Setup > All Options > Currencies > Currencies

Fig.4 – Currencies in Setup
A list of available currencies will be shown in the left side box.
- Select the required currency/currencies and using the arrow symbol - > - move it to the right side box
- Save once finished

Fig.5 - Multi-currency selection
The added currencies will now be available to be selected as the base currency for the organisation or as a unit-specific currency.
Managing Currency Conversions
The currencies added need conversion rates against the base.
- Go to Setup > Currencies > Exchange Rates
- To add a currency exchange from the available currencies, select Create currency exchange from the top-right corner of the screen

Fig.6 - Create currency exchange button
This adds a line to the table where a conversion from a source currency can be added to a target currency.
- Select the Source Currency that the rate will apply from, to the Target Currency it applies to – the example shown in Fig.7 shows a selection from United States Dollars (USD) to GBP
- The From date indicates the date at which this rate applies - there should always be a From date
- The To date indicates the date at which this rate will cease to apply – there does not need to be a To date
If there is no To date added, the system will continue to use this conversion unless a new one is created that supersedes it, or the To date is eventually added.
- Enter an Exchange Rate and use the blue tick icon to complete the currency conversion

Fig.7 - Creating the currency exchange
Please note: a reversal conversion should be added for all currencies. Therefore, if adding a conversion from GBP to EURO, then another conversion of EURO to GBP must be created.
Editing a Rate
For exchange rates that have reached their start date, when editing, the only changes that can be made are to their end (To) dates of the rates and currencies affected.

Fig.8 - Editing an end date of an existing exchange rate

Fig.9 - Editing existing exchange rates
For exchange rates that have not reached their start date, the currencies as well as the end date of the rate and the rate value can be edited.
Deleting a Rate
If a rate was made in error, it cannot be deleted.
- If the From date of the rate is today’s date, then create a new rate with the same date and correct rate. It will then become the new rate used
- If the From date is in the future, then edit the value to the correct rate
Setting a Currency at the Unit
As the Global Setting ‘Show internationalisation configuration’ is enabled, when creating a new unit or editing details against an existing one, the unit currency can now be set.
- Go to Setup > All Options > Organisation Hierarchy
- Expand the list of Sites, select the required Site and select Edit
- Choose Currency > Save

Fig. 10 Setting a currency against a specific Unit
The currency set will be the currency seen at that site(s) in this unit by users for the following pages:
- Stock Management > Management Figures
- Stock Management > Management Figures – Account Summary
- Stock Management > Management Figures – Deliveries & Transfers
- Stock Management > Site Transfer
- Stock Management > Account Transfer
- Stock Management > Wastage
- Stock Management > Transfer History
- Stock Management > Import POS Figures
- Stock Management > Enter POS Figures
- Stock Management > Stock Count
- Stock Management > Requisition
- Stock Management > Requisition Management
For requisitions and site transfers, where the transfer is across units operating in different currencies, the value of the transaction will be reflected in the unit currency for the relevant direction of movement.
For example, the example transfer shown in Fig.11 is from ‘TestingUnit GBP > GBPSite’ to ‘TestingUnit EURO > EuroSite’

Fig.11 - Transferring between sites with different currencies
When viewing the transfer from the ‘TestingUnit GBP > GBPSite’ the currency is displayed in GBP
When viewing the transfer from the ‘TestingUnit EURO > EuroSite’ the currency is displayed in EUR
The value of the transfer is based on the issuing site’s cost for the product or recipe and will be distributed to the receiving site and its currency using the conversion available.
Master Data
The following Master Data pages reflect the currency values at a unit/site
- Master Product List
- Batch Items
- Menu Items
This applies in particular to the Menu and Batch Items’ Where Used tab. Here the value of the batch or menu item will be displayed in the currency set at that unit/site.
The example shown in Fig.12 highlights that the actual cost price is calculated and displayed in the currency for the unit/site.

Fig.12 - A recipe showing multiple currencies depending on the unit defined currency.
The following management figures reports reflect the unit currency:
- Accounting Figures
- Actual vs. Theoretical
- Closing Stock Value
- Closing Stock Value for Items Excluding GP
- Cost of Sales Reconciliation
- Stock Reconciliation
- Line Check Reconciliation
Where a report allows selection of more than one location, when multiple locations are selected, it displays using the organisation base currency.
Suppliers and Other Currencies
To purchase in other currencies and to show documents in that supplier’s own currency instead of the site/organisation base currency:
- Go to Setup > All Options > Global Settings
- Use the Module drop-down and select Invoicing
- Drill down into InvoicingSetting > DEFAULT SUB TYPE
- Scroll down and select Edit View
- Use the green Edit button and tick the box against Use Supplier Currency
- Select Save once complete

Fig.13 - Invoice setting for multi-currency
To set up a supplier with a separate currency to the organisational base and/or unit currency:
- Go to Sys Configuration > All Options > FnB Configuration > Supplier

Fig.14 - Adding a new supplier
- Select Add New Supplier
- Enter the mandatory details (marked in bold) for the supplier
- In the Currency drop-down, select the currency the supplier will trade in
- Add the remaining details for setting up the supplier and select Save once complete

Fig.15 - Selecting the currency
The defined currency will now be the default currency for all transactions to and from this supplier.
Currency conversion rates must be created to allow the site/organisation to convert from the currency from the suppliers to the base or the unit currency.
Please note: if the supplier already exits, it’s not advised to change its currency if it’s being used at site as this will affect the historical reports for this supplier. Since a conversion rate may not have applied for previous transactions for this supplier, the system will convert these to a zero.
As the global setting Supports multi currencies is set to Yes, the toggle between supplier currency and base currency will now convert to the unit currency as base, as seen in Fig.16.

Fig.16 - The toggle can be seen on the purchasing page
As a user places orders, they will be able to see the cost for the products in the suppliers’ currency as well as their unit/organisational defined currency.
The same toggle can be seen in Fig.17 when in the Stock Management page. Users will be able to see any Pending/Approved transactions in either the supplier’s currency or their unit/organisational currency.

Fig.17 - Toggle on the Stock Management page
Please note: if toggling between the base or supplier currency, the underlying transaction is recorded in the supplier currency. This means that the invoice for example is captured exactly as sent by the supplier.
This applies to the following pages:
- Purchasing > Pending Order Entry
- Purchasing > Order Management
- Purchasing > Order History
- Purchasing > Manual Input Order
- Stock Management > Home
- Stock Management > Goods Received Note
- Documents > Record Invoice
- Documents > Invoice Discrepancy
- Documents > Credit Request
- Documents > Record Credit Notes
- Documents > Supplier Return
- Documents > Document Search
- Documents > Document Reconciliation
Fourth Analytics
Exports to Fourth Analytics will be converted to the organisation base currency to allow results to be rolled up to a single organisation currency.
This change applies to the following exports:
- Stock Transactions
- Stock History
- Sales Transactions
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