Suppliers using Fourth's Tradesimple system can use either “web and email” or full “EDI” configurations. The primary difference is the EDI can be automated on the supplier side, both can potentially have the same functionality. The level of configured functionality is dependent on each supplier uniquely.
When these suppliers have been integrated with the Adaco system, certain areas of functionality change for the Adaco user. This article will provide guidance in these areas.
Order Transmission
When a Purchase Order has been created it can then be electronically “transmitted” to the supplier.
To do this:
- Go to Purchasing Center and highlight a PO (single click on it)
- Right-click on the PO and select Transmit
- Select Yes in the pop-up window to confirm transmission via Tradesimple

The Purchase Order Center will then timestamp when the order was transmitted.
- If an order needs to be retransmitted, follow the same steps (selecting Retransmit)
- Type a Reason for the retransmission
Some suppliers may send back acknowledgements for transmitted orders. In the Purchase Order Center, these can be seen on the right-hand side, showing as “Accepted”.
Fig.2 - An Accepted Purchase Order
- To view an acknowledgement, right-click on the Accepted PO and select View Acknowledgements

Fig.3 - Viewing an Acknowledgement
Depending upon the supplier, different types of acknowledgements can be displayed. Please confirm with suppliers as to which ones they will be sending.
After acknowledgements, suppliers can then send electronic invoices back into Adaco, which will automatically appear against the PO in Receiving Center.
- First, locate the PO in Receiving Center and open it (double-click) to display the detail
Quantities and prices will be updated for items based on invoice values.
- On the Advanced Options section on the bottom, select Invoice
This will display the invoice.
- Expand, using the + button as seen in Fig.4 to show details of the invoice

Fig.4 - Expanding an Invoice in the Advanced Options tab
Creating Vendor Interface for Quotations
To create a Vendor Interface for Quotations
- Confirm with your Supplier that Fourth have set them up for Quotation functionality in Tradesimple
- Go to Property and select Vendors
- Select the Vendor required by double-clicking on the name
- Choose the Vendor Interface tab on the right-hand side
- Select New
A pop-up window will display (see Fig.5)
- Transaction Type should be Quotation
- Interface Type should be Trade Simple
- If Create Products for unmatched VPNs is selected, any product without a VPN will be created with the following details:
- Account - As specified as the Default Account within the vendor record
- Segment - Will be a segment called "Vendor Catalogues"
- Category - Will be a category beneath the "Vendor Catalogues" segment which will have the next available category number be named as per the vendor's name
- Sub Category - Where the vendor has submitted both a category and sub category then the sub category will be "Vendor's Category - Vendor's Sub Category". Where the vendor has submitted only a category or sub category then it will be used in isolation. Where the vendor has not submitted a sub category or category then the product will be assigned to a sub category called "Uncategorized Products" which will be created
Fig.5 - Creating a Quotation Interface
Once this has been configured suppliers can then send electronic quotation files directly into Adaco.
- To view these, go to Quotation Center
- Once a quotation is identified, double-click it to see the details

Fig.6 - Selecting a Quotation
Please note: If vendors are CP-controlled, quotes may come into the CP site versus the property site.
- Select Errors (as per Fig.7) to dig deeper and see what the cause was for the errors

Fig.7 - The Errors tab within a Quotation
Fig.8 shows the Products not Quoted tab, which lists products associated with the supplier in Adaco that the supplier did not send quoted prices for. This can be rectified by contacting the supplier and advising them to send these records as well.

Fig.8 - The Products not Quoted tab within a Quotation
The Error Lines or Mismatched Products tabs will show products with conflicting Vendor Product Numbers (what is in Adaco versus what is in the supplier's system) or products where the pack unit information differs. Both can be corrected and updated directly from this screen.
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