Slow Moving Stock Report
The Slow Moving Stock Report is used to see how many days stock has been on-hand within a specific outlet or many outlets.
- To run this report, go to Report Center > Inventory Reports > Slow Moving Stock Report
- To open the report criteria screen, double-click Slow Moving Stock Report or select the report and click Run Report, as per Fig.1

Fig.1 - Running the Slow Moving Stock Report
Report Criteria:
Enter report criteria below to get desired results, as per Fig.2 below.

Fig.2 - Report Criteria for the Slow Moving Stock Report
Fields | Description |
Outlets | Allows for the choice of one or more outlets, as well as a Select All option to easily choose all outlets. |
Report Results
When the Slow Moving Stock report is generated, the result should look similar to Fig.3.

Fig.3 - Slow Moving Stock Report results
Fields | Description |
Document Map | Allows easier selection of specific outlets and stock movement options (Less than 90, 90-120, 120-180, 180-365, Undetermined). The time calculations depend on the time of receiving of the product. For example, if a product is received for outlet A on Sept 1st and then moved the stock to outlet B on Sept 10th by posting an outlet requisition, and then report is generated for outlet B, the report will still calculate the time starting from Sept 1st. If the stock was created in the outlet without a receiving operation (e.g. as a result of an Inventory Adjustment transaction), this stock will be shown under "Undetermined". |
Outlet | Displays the Adaco number and name of the outlet. |
Category | Displays the name of the category. |
Subcategory | Displays the name of the subcategory. |
Product Code | Displays the Adaco number of the product. |
Description | Displays the name of the product. |
Product Unit | Displays the inventory unit of the product. |
Quantity on Hand | Displays the current inventory on hand of the product within the outlet. |
Average Unit Price | Displays the average cost of the products received for the period. |
Total Value | Displays the cost of the on hand.
Sub-total | Displays the combined Total Value cost of all the products in the category. |
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