This report is used to see which specific and important actions are being done by which users.
To run this report, go to Report Center > Property Reports > Adaco Log Report.
Double-click Adaco Log Report or select the report and click Run Report, to open the report criteria screen, as per Fig 1.
Fig 1 - Report Center
Report Criteria
Enter report criteria below to get desired results, as per Fig 2.
Fig 2 - Report Criteria
Log Date
From: choose a starting date in the past. Through: choose a cut off date.
[Select All]: will generate the report showing which users completed all the options within the selected time frame.
Month End Physical Inventory Setup: will generate the report showing which users started month end inventory within the selected time frame.
Interim Physical Inventory Setup: will generate the report showing which users started an interim inventory within the selected time frame.
Month End Close: will generate the report showing which users ended month end inventory within the selected time frame.
Interim Close: will generate the report showing which users ended an interim inventory within the selected time frame.
Api Sales: will generate the report showing which users have loaded the API Sales within the selected time frame. *this does not include manual sales (Recipes>Recipe Sales>Point of Sale Interface>Import or Recipes>Recipe Sales>Enter/ Maintain Sales).
Import: will generate the report showing which users have loaded information into the Adaco application within the selected time frame.
Guides Import: will generate the report showing which users have loaded an outlet's guide within the selected time frame.
AutoPurchasing: will generate the report showing which users have automatically transmitted POs within the elected time frame."
Report Results
When the Adaco Log Report is generated, the result should look similar to Fig 3.
Fig 3 - Return Delivery Note Report
Displays the name of the task that was completed.
Displays the name of the user who did the task.
Activity Date
Displays the date and time the task took place.
Log Message
Displays information about the task, whether it was successful or not and had errors or not.
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