This article shows how to send an E-Sign document to an employee from within the HR module.
To ensure that the integration and configuration is complete, please first ensure that the instructions in the following articles have been followed:
- Enabling E-Sign Functionality & Setting User Access to use E-Sign Functionality
- Configuring DocuSign Credentials in the HR Module
- Creating a DocuSign Template
- Linking DocuSign Template(s) to the HR Module
Sending an E-Sign Document via the HR Module
To send an E-Sign document to an employee,
- Go to HR > Administration > Document Management > E-Sign Documents
Fig.1 - Accessing E-Sign Documents in HR
Select Send New Documents and then Search
Fig.2 - E-Sign Documents - Current Documents View
- Find the required employee by either scrolling through the list or using the filters available
- Then, against the required employee and Document Template select Send Document
Fig.3 - E-Sign Documents - Send New Documents View
A pop-up window will then open ( if not, review browser settings and ensure pop-ups are allowed).
This page includes:
Send Details - the employee's name, the email address the document(s) will be sent to (pulled from the personal email address field) and their employee number.
Send Template - the details of the document(s) added to the DocuSign template.
Data Label - the labels within the DocuSign template that are mapped/merged with selected fields in HR & Payroll. These are explained in the 'Creating a Template' article. This field is governed by the DocuSign template itself, not HR & Payroll.
Fig.4 - Sending an E-Sign Document Pop Up
Mapped Values - these are the fields in HR & Payroll used to merge with the DocuSign data labels and can be selected via the drop-down lists (consisting of almost every field available within an employee's record)
Please Note: If the HR E-Sign template is being used for the first time all fields will be set to Manual Entry and will require setting to the required values. Once the HR E-Sign Template has been used, the Mapped Values fields will be retained
- Selecting a Mapped Value will populate the Value field and tick the Required and/or Read Only boxes
- If Manual Entry is chosen then the Value must be typed in, or, for the recipient to enter the information themselves, leave the Value field blank
The Required and Read Only tickboxes cannot be changed here. The settings are governed by DocuSign and are set when creating the template.
Required - if ticked, for a document to be completed/signed, a value must exist for this field
Read Only - If ticked, the field cannot be amended by the recipient.
- When ready, select Save & Preview Document
Fig.5 - Complete mapped values
At this point, the document's status is 'Created' and will state as such on the 'Current Documents' view.
- On the next page, to preview the document about to be sent, select View next to the attachment
Fig.6 - Previewing a document
A preview of the document (or documents if more than one attachment in the DocuSign envelope) will be displayed within an iframe, with the data labels mapped with the values from UK HR & Payroll.
- To close the iframe scroll down and select Close
Do not select 'close' from the top corner, as this will close the entire window
Fig.7 - Preview of the E-Sign Document
- If you do close the window, go to HR > Administration > Document Management > E-Sign Documents
- Find the document on the 'Current Documents' view (will have a status of 'Created) and select Edit Document to return
Fig.8 - Returning to a submission after closing pop-up window
When in the pop-up, after closing the iframe, there are 3 options:
- Send Document - requests DocuSign to send the document to the recipient
- Void Document - this will delete the document - see here for guidance
- Back - returns to the field mapping screen where adjustments can be made
- When ready, select Send Document
Fig.9 - 'Send' or 'Void' document, or go 'Back'
A brief ‘loading’ message will be displayed followed by confirmation of the document being sent:
- Select Close to return to the 'Current Documents' view
Fig.10 - 'Document Sent' confirmation
The submission will be presented on the page with the status 'Envelope Sent'.
If the status shows as 'Created' then it means the submission has not happened. Reattempt the submission, and submit a support request if it still does not change.
A 'Pending' status means that DocuSign is in progress with submitting the document to the recipient. Once the document status updates to 'Envelope Sent', this is confirmation that the E-Sign document has been sent to the recipient.
Fig.11 - Submitted document
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