This article shows how to enable the E-Sign functionality in the HR module and provide access to the necessary users. An admin user who can edit Global Settings and update user access permissions in the HR module will be required to do this.
Enabling the E-Sign Functionality
If these Global Settings have not already been enabled,
- Go to HR > Administration > Global Settings > Edit Portal Configuration
- Locate the 'E-Sign Documents' section, tick Enable E-Sign Documents and then Save
Fig.1 - E-Sign Functionality Global Setting
Granting Access to Users to use the E-Sign Functionality
- Go to HR > Users > Assign User Access > find and select Employee > User Profile
Under the 'Onboarding & E-Sign Documents' section, select a permission for E-Sign Documents
- Full Access - the employee can enter the E-Sign Documents page, view submitted e-sign documents and proceed to submit documents for e-signature too
- Read Only - the employee can enter the E-Sign Documents page and view submitted documents. They will not be able to submit any documents for e-signature
- No Access - the employee will not be able to access the E-sign Documents page
Please note: The use of 'E-Sign Documents Page' refers to the page located at HR > Administration > Document Management > E-Sign Documents
Fig.2 - E-Sign Documents User Access Permission
Also under the 'Onboarding & E-Sign Documents' section, the second permission that can be enabled is called E-Sign Document Templates.
This permission can either be enabled or disabled.
- Enabled (ticked)- the employee can configure HR Templates as E-Sign, and link them to DocuSign templates. This includes making changes to existing templates
- Disabled (not ticked) - the employee cannot create or make changes to HR Templates marked as E-Sign.
- Select Next to continue through the user access pages, and Save to finish
Please Note: This permission relates to creating documents in HR Module > Administration > Document Management > Upload Template, and flagging them as E-Sign Documents.
Fig.3 - E-Sign Document Templates User Access Permission
The final permission of note is actually an amalgamation of permissions to allow use of the E-Sign Batch Admin functionality.
For a user to have access to the E-Sign Batch Admin functionality, three permissions need to be set.
- Remaining in the page to set a users access, the E-Sign Documents permission must be set as Full Access and E-Sign Document Templates needs to be enabled
Fig.4 - User Access Permissions for E-Sign Functionality
- Then, under 'HR Administration', enable the permission HR Administration (Use With Caution)
Fig.2 - HR Administration Access Permission
- Scroll down and select Next to continue through the user access pages, eventually saving.
Important: The reason for the HR Administration permission to be assigned is that the E-Sign Batch Admin functionality requires the user to be able to access any employee, with any job title, employment type and contract type as well as any location. Please continue to use this permission with caution and only have this assigned to users who already have the permission set or are allowed to have it.
Please Note: The use of 'E-Sign Batch Admin page' refers the page located HR Module > Administrations > Document Management > E-Sign Batch Admin
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